Vol.1(Publication Date:2002/08/01) Download whole issue:PDF

Message from President

  • What the Communications Society should do to drive an IT revolution

    Shigehiko Suzuki

  • IT 革命推進に向けて通信ソサイエティは何をすべきか (in JAPANESE)

    鈴木 滋彦

From IEICE Sister Society Representative

  • IEEE ComSoc and Sister Societies

    Alexander D. Gelman and Algirdas Pakstas

  • Expecting the members of the world become closer and closer

    Kye Suk Jun

From IEICE Communications Society Fellows

  • Message of Congratulation for the Global Newsletter

    Hiromasa IKEDA

  • The Age of Sapientia Sophia

    Takeshi Ozeki

IEICE Activities NOW

  • Welcome to IEICE Commuications Society Technical Committes

  • Optical Communication Systems (OCS) Technical Committee

    Kazuo Hagimoto, Masafumi Koga and Kuniharu Himeno

  • Technical Committee on Photonics in Switching (PS) in IEICE

    Koso Murakami

  • Technical Committee on Active Network Technologies and Applications

    Hiroshi Yasuda, Fumito Kubota, Naoki Wakamiya, Terumasa Aoki, Yoshiaki Kiriha and Hideki Otsuki

IEICE Sponcered Workshop Report

  • HPSR2002

    Naoaki Yamanaka

Communications Society General Conference

  • The CS English Sessions at the 2002 IEICE Society Conference

  • Simple Cell Scheduling for Application Layer Level Jitter Reduction over ATM-ABR service

    Naotoshi ADACHI, Shoji KASAHARA and Yutaka TAKAHASHI

International Activities on Society

  • International activities on the IEICE Communications Society

    Takashige Hoshiai and Hidenori INOUCHI

  • IEICE Promotion in ICC2002

    Hidenori Nakazato

From Laboratories

  • Advanced Network Architecture Laboratory at Osaka University

    Masayuki Murata