Terms of use
Any individual who uses the ComEX services as subscriber (user) is kindly advised to read and understand the following documents. Any user should agree with these documents. Official “Terms of Use” is shown here.
Authorized use and prohibition:
The IEICE permits users to
(i) browse and download papers and other documents,
(ii) save them on users' hard disks or other media,
(iii) print out their copies, and
(iv) use additional IT-based services such as hyperlinks to references in bibliographic information, for private research purposes only.
Users are not allowed to perform such actions for any commercial purposes.
The IEICE prohibits users from
(i) duplicating the entire or the majority part of web pages,
(ii) violating security of the web servers,
(iii) causing unreasonably large load on the network or on the server by downloading a huge amount of data at one time,
(iv) forging, tampering with or destroying the web pages,
(v) selling downloaded papers or other documents whether they remain as downloaded or are deformed,
(vi) distributing downloaded papers whether they remain as downloaded or are deformed, and
(vii) decompiling or reverse engineering downloaded files that are provided as password-protected.
The IEICE reserves the rights to deny use to users who perform or attempt to perform the above-mentioned prohibited actions.
The IEICE gives no guarantee for the ComEX service. Users agree to use the ComEX service at their own risk. The IEICE is not responsible for any damage that users may suffer as a result of either using the ComEX service or being unable to use it. The IEICE will not recompense users for such damage in any manner.
In particular, the IEICE does not give guarantee that hyperlinks to references in the bibliographic information are exact and perpetually valid since targeted URLs are in general not under control of the IEICE and might be changed easily.