

  The EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019 Technical Program Committee calls for Workshop/Tutorial Session Proposals, which address specific topics of high current interest related to various aspects of EMC.
  A prospective organizer should post a proposal for a Workshop/Tutorial Session topic indicating; (1) session title, (2) session description, (3) expected number of speakers and their corresponding topics (list of speakers if possible), (4) expected number of attendees, (5) session organizer(s) information (name, affiliation, and contact information), (6)other information and special requests, if any. The session description should address its category, objectives, contents, and timeliness of the proposal, as well as the impact on the EMC community and beyond.

Workshop/Tutorial proposal submission:
Click here! Please find and click “Workshop/Tutorial” proposal.

  Submission deadline: October 26, 2018. Acceptance notification will be made by November 30, 2018. Please understand that not all the proposals will be accepted due to the limitations of session slots.
  For Workshop/Tutorial proposals that are accepted, the organizer will be responsible for promotion of the session, coordination of reviews for submitted papers, and moderation of the session at the Symposium. Please be aware that the Symposium does not provide any financial support to organizers and speakers of organized sessions, such as travel expenses or registration fees.

Important dates for Organized/Workshop/Tutorial session proposals

October 26, 2018 (Fri.)
Deadline for submissions of proposals
November 30, 2018 (Fri.)
Notification of acceptance (proposals)
December 24, 2018 (Mon.)
Deadline for Paper Submission (authors)
February 18, 2019 (Mon.)
Notification of acceptance (authors)
March 22, 2019 (Fri.)
Deadline for Final Paper and Registration (authors)

The program Committee welcomes prior discussion about the intention to submit a proposal.

Program Committee for EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019,

Proposal Template: Click to download. Template is revised! Please use new version.