Human Communication Group-Well-being Information Technology(Date:2002/10/24)



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[Paper #]
2D Sound Screen Reader by Text-to-Speech from Information-located Positions with Multiple Speaker System

Shinichi TORIHARA,  Shun ISHIZAKI,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-48
Input Device for Visually Handicapped People Using a Touchpad with Voice Feedback

Naoya ABE,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-49
Accessibility evaluation of website taking into account the use of persons with visual impairments : Effects of the hierarchy and selected-information quality of website on the access time

Shingo AOYAGI,  Toyohiko HAYASHI,  Yasuo NAMURA,  Naoki Tondokoro,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-50
Employment of Communication System Supporting Welfare Volunteer for Local Community : Development and Expansion Enterprise of Information Communication System for Welfare Activity Support at Kainan-town, Tokushima

Takao MAITANI,  Gorou ARAO,  Kumiko NAKABAYASHI,  Masuhiro NODA,  Yoko MAENO,  Masaki KAGEISHI,  Chikara OHTA,  Masami MOHRI,  Masakatu MORII,  Yoshio KASHIDA,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-51
Hand Trajectory Extraction and Sign Language Recognition Using Thermal Image Processing

Yasunari YOSHITOMI,  Shizue NAGAYAMA,  Masaaki SUGIYAMA,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-52
A study on education tools with an animated talking agent for the hearing impaired

Tomoko KITAMURA,  Takayuki ARAI,  Pamela Connors,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-53


[Paper #]WIT2002-54
Report on the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs 2002

Tetsuya WATANABE,  Makoto KOBAYASHI,  Hiroki MINAGAWA,  Tomoyuki NISHIOKA,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-55
Optimization of screen display for electronic book viewer designed for people with motor disabilities


[Paper #]WIT2002-56
On an Eye-gaze Input System based on the Limbus Tracking Method by Image Analysis

Kiyohiko ABE,  Shoichi OHI,  Minoru OHYAMA,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-57
Research and Development of Effective System for Elderly People to Self-support

Eiji KOBAYASHI,  Katsutoshi NAGANO,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-58
Net-accessible Pet-type Robot for Aged People's Welfare

Toshiyuki MAEDA,  Hisao NIWA,  Kazumi YOSHIDA,  Kazuhiro KAYASHIMA,  Yuji MAEDA,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-59
Acceleration of Scanning Input Method Using Multiple Cursors

Hiroki MORI,  Shigeyuki IWABUCHI,  Hideki KASUYA,  

[Paper #]WIT2002-60


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