Communication-Smart Radio(Date:2009/01/15)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
A Study on Partial Spectrum Transmission Method for Dynamic Spectrum Access

Yasunori FUTATSUGI,  Shousei YOSHIDA,  Masayuki ARIYOSHI,  

[Paper #]SR2008-69
Applying Load-Balancing Approach in Dynamic Spectrum Assignment Networks

Stanislav FILIN,  Hiroshi HARADA,  Homare MURAKAMI,  Kentaro ISHIZU,  Goh MIYAMOTO,  Ha Nguyen TRAN,  Mikio HASEGAWA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-70
Performance Evaluation of a Spectrum Sharing Method with Joint Power Control and Spectrum Aggregation Techniques

Yuta SAGAE,  Hitoshi YOSHINO,  

[Paper #]SR2008-71
The spectrum sharing technique by the control of minimum contention window size considering channel occupancy rate information

Kohei KASAHARA,  Kenta UMEBAYASHI,  Yukihiro KAMIYA,  Yasuo SUZUKI,  

[Paper #]SR2008-72


[Paper #]SR2008-73
The State of the art of ITU-R studies on Cognitive Radio Systems

Hitoshi YOSHINO,  

[Paper #]SR2008-74
A Challenge for Multimode Receivers with An RF Receiver Chain : A dual frequency conversion heterodyne receiver

Satoshi DENNO,  Tatsuo FURUNO,  Masahiro MORIKURA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-75
Improvement on Diversity Gain with Filter Bandwidth Expansion in Fractional Sampling OFDM Receiver

Toshiya SHINKAI,  Haruki NISHIMURA,  Yukitoshi SANADA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-76
Path Diversity With Fractional Delay Transmission for Fractional Sampling-MIMO-OFDM System

Haruki HIGUCHI,  Yukitoshi SANADA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-77
Location Estimation of Neighboring Access Points using Detection Probability on Spring Model

Kentaro Ishizu,  Hiroshi Harada,  

[Paper #]SR2008-78
Overhead reduction for cyclostationarity-inducing transmission method

Koji MAEDA,  Shunji MIURA,  Tatsuo FURUNO,  

[Paper #]SR2008-79
Supporting Multihomed Mobile Nodes Connecting to Heterogeneous Wireless Systems in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks

Morihiko TAMAI,  Kengo SAKAI,  Toshiaki YAMAMOTO,  Akio HASEGAWA,  Tetsuro UEDA,  Sadao OBANA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-80
Coordinated Admission Control and Transmit Power Control in Cognitive Radio

Hidekazu MURATA,  Koji YAMAMOTO,  Susumu YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-81
Spectrum-Sharing Issues of Wireless Access Systems in the 5GHz Band

Masahiro MORIKURA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-82
R & D on Inter-Vehicle Communication System for ITS to Assist Safe Driving

Ryu MIURA,  Takashi OHYAMA,  Oyunchimeg SHAGDAR,  Hiryoyuki YOMO,  Toshihiro SAKAI,  Sadao OBANA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-83
A Study on the Weighted Cooperative Sensing Method based on Estimated Received Signal Power in Fading Environment

Hironori TSUCHIYA,  Kenta UMEBAYASHI,  Yukihiro KAMIYA,  Yasuo SUZUKI,  

[Paper #]SR2008-84
Practical Detection Issues of Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio System

KHADKA Sabita MAHARJAN,  Minseok KIM,  Jun-ichi TAKADA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-85
Primary User Detection with Distributed Spectrum Sensors over Rayleigh Fading Channel

Chen SUN,  Yohannes D. ALEMSEGED,  HaNguyen TRAN,  Hiroshi HARADA,  

[Paper #]SR2008-86
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