Communication-Electromagnetic Compatibility(Date:2007/06/15)



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Interference evaluation between MB-OFDM UWB and wireless LAN systems using a GTEM cell

Haruki KAMIYA,  Masashi YAMADA,  Shinobu ISHIGAMI,  Kaoru GOTOH,  Yasushi MATSUMOTO,  Masamitsu TOKUDA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-18
Evaluation method of electromagnetic disturbance that contains information leaks from PC display

Toshihide TOSAKA,  Yukio YAMANAKA,  Kaori FUKUNAGA,  Ryo ISHIKAWA,  Mitsuo HATTORI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-19
Suppression Method of Radiated Emission from Solar Cell on a Photovoltaic Power Generation System

Mariko TOMISAWA,  Masamitsu TOKUDA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-20
Site evaluation method above 1GHz by using an optical feeding antenna

Hideki Abe,  Tokuda Msamitu /,  Masaru Yoshihara,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-21
Radiated Electromagnetic Wave Immunity Test Method of Cellular Phone

Kakeru MANITA,  Akira MORI,  Jyunji HIGASHIIYAMA,  Yoshiaki TARUSAWA,  Masamitu TOKUDA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-22
EMI by imbalance of differentiated circuit and guard ground

Tomoaki YANAGAWA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-23
A study on decoupling characteristic of power distribution network of processor

Tomokazu IKENAGA,  Satoshi KAZAMA,  Masayuki SHIMIZU,  Naoto YOKOYAMA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-24
Estimation of Radiated Emissions with Common-mode Antenna Model of Printed Circuit Board : Superposition of Common-mode Excitation Sources

Keisuke FUKUMASU,  Tetsushi WATANABE,  Yoshitaka TOYOTA,  Kengo IOKIBE,  Ryuji KOGA,  Osami WADA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-25
Wideband Measurement of Discharge Current through Fingertip from Charged Human-body

Yoshihisa KAGAWA,  Yoshinori TAKA,  Osamu FUJIWARA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-26
Measurement of Intermediate-frequency and High-frequency Electromagnetic Fields Emitted from Slot Machines

Isao KAYANO,  Michito YABUMOTO,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-27
Frequency Characteristics of the Eddy Current Losses in a Noise Suppression Film calculated using a Disk Model

Sho MUROGA,  Kaori MARUTA,  Yutaka SHIMADA,  Masahiro YAMAGUCHI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-28
Transmission characteristics of an OFDM signal through a switchboard for a power line communication

Satoshi HOSOYA,  Akira MORI,  Yosuke WATANABE,  Masamitsu TOKUDA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-29
A Study on Improvement of Indoor EM-Wave Environment Using Wave Absorption Film

Kotoko OHBA,  Kouta MATSUMOTO,  Kenichi HARAKAWA,  Osamu HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-30
Study of Body-Core Temperature Rise in a Rabbit for 2.45GHz Microwave Exposure

Hironori SUGIYAMA,  Akimasa HIRATA,  Osamu FUJIWARA,  Hiroki KAWAI,  Masami KOJIMA,  Yoko YAMASIRO,  Soichi WATANABE,  Kazuyuki SASAKI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2007-31


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