

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時平成28年3月23日(水) 15:00-17:00
場所北海道大学 量子集積エレクトロニクス研究センター3F セミナー室
Enabling future wearables with energy efficient devices
講師Adrian M. Ionescu 先生
概要In this talk we will address the need of energy efficient technologies for improving by orders of magnitude the energy per computed, communicated and sensed bit of information, as required by wearable system embodiments and Internet-of-Things. We will particularly talk about implementing low power sensor arrays in technologies CMOS FinFET and the resulting advantages. We will particularly show a ionic sensing chip with integrated microfludic interface for sweat analysis and its multiple applications. Low power optical sensors based on Tunnel FETs, CNT-arrays gas sensors and resonant sensors with their figures of merit and their heterogeneous integration challenges in silicon-on-foil approaches, will be also discussed.
Towards the energy efficient, heterogeneous process technology, zero intrinsic variability devices and zero power era
講師Simon Deleonibus 先生
概要Linear scaling CMOS has encountered many hurdles which request new process modules, driven mainly by the maximization of energy efficiency. Fabrication at the sub 10nm node level will request Intrinsic Variability approaching to zero. Moreover, the rapid growth of mobile, multifunctional and autonomous systems is hardly demanding to reach Zero Power consumption. The solutions to integrate Thin Film based devices, architectures and systems in order to face these challenges will be addressed.
Enabling future wearables with energy efficient devices
講師Kaustav Banerjee 先生
概要The experimental demonstration of graphene in 2004, a truly one-atom thick layer of carbon atoms, has opened up a window to the two-dimensional (2D) world of materials. This has subsequently triggered a surge of research activities on various 2D crystals including single layers of hexagonal-boron nitride (h-BN), several dichalcogenides (such as MoS2 and WSe2), and complex oxides. Atomic scale thicknesses (few Å/layer) of 2D semiconducting crystals and their controllable precise band gaps as a function of number of layers also enable the scaling of electronic devices without inducing performance variations. Moreover, seamless planar synthesis and stacking of various 2D crystals can be exploited to build novel lateral and vertical heterostructures, respectively. This talk will highlight and discuss the prospects of such 2D crystals for designing ultra-low power, low-loss, and ultra-energy-efficient active and passive devices targeted for designing next-generation green electronics needed to support the emerging paradigm of Internet of Things. More specifically, this talk will examine the genesis of the power dissipation challenge in conventional MOSFETs, and provide an overview of the recently demonstrated 2D-channel tunnel-FET from my group that overcomes this challenge and is a fundamentally different transistor employing several innovations. This talk will also bring forward some applications uniquely enabled by 2D crystals, including sensors and flexible high-frequency electronics for improving quality of life, and discuss related challenges and opportunities.
世話人北海道大学 大学院情報科学研究科 情報エレクトロニクス専攻 冨岡克広

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時平成28年3月8日(火) 10:30-12:00
演題Performance Monitoring Techniques in Computer Simulation
講師Grischa Jacobs 氏 (Technical University of Darmstadt)
概要Modern HPC systems provide diverse processor architectures, making efficient parallel computing a difficult task. Keeping the physical limitations with high clock speed rates and energy consumptions of processors in mind, the attractiveness of modern multicore processors becomes obvious. To leverage their benefits, hybrid parallelization strategies become necessary. As the variety of heterogeneous computing systems will increase in the future, this motivates investigations in performance monitoring, tuning and modelling. This "brainware" component is a key to maintain performance when the hardware is changing.
世話人室蘭工業大学 しくみ情報系領域 川口 秀樹

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成28年3月1日(月) 10:00-11:00
場所 北海道大学 情報科学研究棟3F A33講義室
講師 松本 卓也 先生(大阪大学 大学院理学研究科 教授)
演題 ネットワーク型分子エレクトロニクスを目指して
概要 近年, 分子エレクトロニクスを目指して, 単一分子の電気特性計測が盛んに行われている.分子と金属の接合界面には,未知の物理や化学が多くあり, それらの理解を目的とした実験, 理論研究が行われてきた. また一方では, 単一分子を用いた電界効果トランジスタも実現している. しかし, 既存の半導体デバイスのサイズが10nmに迫ろうとしている中で, 半導体を分子に置き換えることの意味は, 未だはっきりとは提示されていないのが現状である. 分子の持つ大きな特徴の一つに, 化学反応や超分子形成を利用した自己組織化がある. 自己組織化に基づく回路網の形成は, 現代の微細加工技術の対極であり, 自然の中で生物が行ってきた方法であると言える. 本講演では, 分子エレクトロニクス研究の現状を概観したあと, 神経回路に学んだ分子ネットワークの第一歩として, 分子による非線形電気特性の発現と確率共鳴現象について紹介する. また, 分子ネットワークが論理システムとして機能するには, バイアスラインに相当するエネルギー供給が必要である. 自然の中で, 神経回路がどのようにしてエネルギーを得ているか紹介し, それに着想を得たわれわれの取り組みについても紹介したい.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部
世話人 北海道大学 量子集積エレクトロニクス研究センター 葛西 誠也

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成28年1月28日(木) 15:00-16:30
場所 北見工業大学A102講義室
講師 筑根 敦弘 氏 (大陽日酸(株)開発・エンジニアリング本部 開発事業企画統括部 部長)
演題 半導体技術ロードマップ専門委員会の活動紹介
概要 半導体技術ロードマップ専門委員会(STRJ委員会: Semiconductor Technology Roadmap Committee of Japan)は電子情報技術産業協会(JEITA: Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association)の半導体部会に所属する組織であり,日本の半導体産業におけるニーズと戦略に基づき国際半導体技術ロードマップ(ITRS: International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors)委員会と連携し,5~15年先に対する半導体技術ロードマップを作成することを目的の一つとして設立されました.今回は,本委員会の紹介と現在の半導体技術ロードマップ(特に前工程プロセス)の簡単な解説を行います.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
世話人 北見工業大学電気電子工学科 野矢厚,武山真弓

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成28年1月20日(水) 14:45-15:30
場所 北海道大学 情報科学研究科 11階大会議室 (11-17)
講師 成瀬 誠 氏 国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構 光ネットワーク研究所 主任研究員
演題 フォトニックインテリジェンスの実証的研究
概要 人工知能の時代への急速な転換にあって,フォトニクスには,「自然知能」と呼び得るような新たな知的機能の実現が期待されている.本講演では,ナノ微粒子間の光エネルギー移動並びに単一光子を用いた意思決定機能やフォトクロミック材料を用いた情報提示などに関する実証的な研究の動向を概説する.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
世話人 北海道大学 量子集積エレクトロニクス研究センター 葛西 誠也

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成28年1月20日(水) 13:30-14:45
場所 北海道大学 情報科学研究科 11階大会議室 (11-17)
講師 金 成主 (Kim, Song-Ju) 氏 国立研究開発法人 物質・材料研究機構 国際ナノアーキテクトニクス研究拠点 特別研究員
演題 人工知能 vs 自然知能 ~自然計算による知的機能を求めて~
概要 近頃,GoogleやAmazonなどを筆頭に人工知能研究が盛んに行われているが, その一方で,我々は「自然知能」というアプローチを提唱して来た.本講演では,物理現象で知的計算をする手法について紹介し,特に,意思決定問題を解く「綱引き原理」について詳しく説明する.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部
世話人 北海道大学 量子集積エレクトロニクス研究センター 葛西 誠也

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成28年1月18日(月) 16:30-18:00
場所 公立はこだて未来大学 R791教室
講師 宮路 祐一 氏 豊橋技術科学大学 電気・電子情報工学系 助教
演題 マルチホップで伝える無線通信と無線電力伝送
概要 私たちの身の回りには,たくさんの電子機器であふれている.これらの電子機器が,いつでも・どこでも情報のやりとりや充電を可能とするには無線技術が必要不可欠である.本講演では,マルチホップをキーワードに,現在取り組んでいる無線通信と無線電力伝送の研究成果を紹介する.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
世話人 公立はこだて未来大学 システム情報科学部 情報アーキテクチャ学科 高 博昭

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成27年12月4日(木) 16:15-17:45
場所 室蘭工業大学 教育・研究8号館R棟 R205 プレゼンテーションルーム
講師 吉岡 廉太郎 氏 会津大学コンピュータ理工学部 准教授
演題 活性知識工学 --知識を最大限に生かしたシステムの実現--
概要 あらゆる情報システムにとってユーザの意思,考え,気持ちを正確かつ効率 的に把握することはとても有益です.ところが処理動作を指示したり値を入 力したりすることは求めても,その処理を行う意思や考えなどが記録される ことは少ないのが現状です.これは,コンピュータをただ動作させることを 考えると十分かもしれませんが,結果として記録される情報とそれを活用す るのに必要な知識の間に溝が生まれ,その情報を十分に生かしたり再利用し たりすることを妨げます.人が持つ知識を余すことなく,かつ再利用可能な 状態で記録したものを我々は"活性知識"と呼びます.人と情報システムの間 のやりとりに活性知識を用いることで分かりやすく使いやすいシステムを実 現する"活性知識工学"について紹介します.活性知識の構成法や自己説明性 を高次元で実現する手法について,プログラミング言語,循環型知識リポジ トリなどの応用例を通して説明します.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
世話人 室蘭工業大学大学院しくみ情報系領域 佐藤 和彦

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成27年12月4日(木) 14:40-15:40
場所 北海道科学大学 G103講義室
講師 高橋 輝 氏 (博士(工学) (株)デンソー 技術企画部 第2技術企画室担当次長
演題 情報技術が導く自動車の再発明
概要 実用的な自動車の発明から130年余の今日,センシングや制御の高度化,移 動体通信や無線測位の発達,高精度地図の整備,クラウドや人工知能の展開 など,さまざまな情報技術に導かれる形で「車の再発明」と称される変化が 始まっている.自動車の利用高度化や自動化が,車そのものに留まらず暮ら しや社会にどのような変化や課題をもたらすと考えられるのか,代表的な観 点・見解を紹介する.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
世話人 北海道科学大学工学部情報工学科 真田博文

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 2015年9月3日(木) 13:00-15:00
場所 北海道大学 情報科学研究科 11階大会議室 (11-17)
主催 電子情報通信学会 北海道支部, IEEE Sapporo Section
講演題目 Service-Oriented Things: A Service-Oriented Paradigm for Internet of Things
講演者 Professor Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California, Irvine, IEEE Fellow
概要 We have been working on building intelligent middleware support for Internet of Things (IoT) to manage smart devices at home, office, campus or community. As the vision of Internet of Things becomes more widespread and promising, many IoT products have been conceptualized, designed and deployed. Given the purpose of IoT is to connect smart things on Internet, it is ideal to model smart things as service components and apply the SOA paradigm on physical devices in order to compose cyber-physical services. In this research, we propose the vision of "Service-Oriented Things" (SOT) which is to discover, compose and deploy mixed cyber and physical services so that users can easily build and customize Internet of Things services in our living environment. Our project has designed an IoT platform that allows new IoT devices to be built and deployed quickly, and then new IoT services can be easily composed. Users can then deploy them at any time and any place, and our middleware will map the services to available devices and servers dynamically. The mapping can also accept different policies to best match the user's needs.
講演者略歴 His research interest includes service-oriented systems, IoT systems, middleware, real-time computing, and distributed computing. I have published more than 200 papers in various journals, conferences and book chapters. He is an adjunct professor at many universities and research institutes, including the National Taiwan University and the National Tsinghua University, Taiwan; the Zhejiang University, China, and the Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. He is also a Chief Scientist at the Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. He was a Visiting Chair Research Fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
世話人 北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科 宮永 喜一

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成27年3月24日(火) 10:30~12:00
場所 室蘭工業大学電気電子系セミナー室A (A322)
住所 室蘭市水元町27-1
題目 Discontinuous Galerkin Trefftz Finite Element Method
講師 Fritz Kretzschmar 氏(Technical University of Darmstadt)
講演要旨 A novel type of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for wave propagation problems is presented in this talk. The method employs space?time Trefftz-type basis functions that satisfy the underlying partial differential equations exactly in an element?wise fashion. A suitable choice of Trefftz basis functions are plane waves traveling in various directions that are expressed as space-time polynomials of arbitrarily high order p. Methods implying such basis sets can exhibit spectral convergence under p enrichment in the whole space? time domain of interest . Formulating the approximation in terms of a space?time Trefftz basis makes high order time integration an inherent property of the method and clearly sets it apart from methods which employ a high order approximation in space only.
主催 電子情報通信学会 電気学会 各北海道支部
お問合せ 川口秀樹 (室蘭工業大学しくみ情報系領域)

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成27年3月23日(月) 13:00~16:15
場所 北海道大学 大学院情報科学研究科 11階会議室(11-17室)
Research Challenges of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for 5G Networks
講師 Prof. Eryk Dutkiewicz, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
概要 The high demand for wireless Internet is putting extreme pressure on better utilisation of the available radio spectrum. The expected spectrum “famine” requires highly efficient radio resource management schemes with low complexity and high responsiveness to the changing network conditions. Dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) is regarded as an essential approach to regaining access to otherwise unused spectrum and it is considered an essential component in the development of 5G networks. DSS can be conducted at different time scales. Due to a potentially high cost of setting up the necessary infrastructure, initially the use of DSS may only be attractive to network operators over long time scales of months or years. This approach is currently taken in standards development activities as exemplified by the emergence of the Leased Spectrum Access concept. As the time scale of the operation of DSS decreases, the possibility for utilising more available spectrum holes increases. However, the shorter time scale brings with it challenges. Efficient decisions regarding the use of DSS require accurate knowledge of the spatial and temporal spectrum use in a geographical area of interest. This knowledge can be represented in Radio Environmental Maps (REMs) which need to be generated efficiently and accurately. As the deployment of DSS evolves from longer to shorter time scales of operation, an important design consideration is how to achieve this evolution in a seamless manner. In this presentation we give an overview of the DSS concept and its emergence in standards activities. We also present various approaches of REM generation for use with DSS.
講演者略歴 Professor Eryk Dutkiewicz has over 25 years of industrial and academic research experience. He obtained his Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1988, his Master of Science in Applied Mathematics from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1992 and his PhD (Telecommunications) from the University of Wollongong, Australia in 1996. From 1999 to 2004 he worked at Motorola Laboratories in Sydney where he managed a wireless research laboratory. During that time he was also deeply involved in the development of the popular WiFi technology. Since returning to academia in 2004 he has worked closely with industry partners including Motorola, Freescale, and Intel on projects involving wireless sensor networks, 4G and 5G mobile communications networks and medical wireless body area networks. He is currently the Director of a multi-disciplinary research centre: the Macquarie University WiMed Research Centre (http://www.mq.edu.au/wimed) that focuses on development of medical implant technologies. He is also the Director of the Wireless Communications and Networking Laboratory researching 5G technologies. Prof. Dutkiewicz has held visiting professorial appointments at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, City University of Hong Kong and Coventry University in the UK. He is an author of over 170 research papers and several book chapters. His professional activities in recent years included participation on various International Steering Committees with the latest being IEEE ICC 2014 and IEEE WPMC 2014. He is the General Chair of BodyNets 2015 and IEEE VTC 2017-Spring in Sydney.
Achievements in Electromagnetic and Antenna Engineering for Biomedical and Telecommunication Applications
講師 Prof. Karu Esselle, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
概要 This presentation is an overview of our research in Electromagnetic and Antenna Engineering, aimed at Biomedical and Telecommunication applications. A wireless bio-telemetry system has been converted to an implantable system through antenna redesign, by addressing two most critical challenges - antenna detuning and bio-compatibility - in a coherent way. Extensive research on high-gain electromagnetic band gap (EBG) resonator antennas (EBGRA), which are suitable for medium-range point-to-point communication links, led to three EBGRA bandwidth records, finally achieving an unprecedented 50% bandwidth last year. A dielectric-resonator antenna with a full ground plane has a record bandwidth of 110% to cover the whole FCC ultra-wide (UWB) band. New UWB reflector surfaces allow the placement of low-cost printed UWB antennas close to and parallel to conducting surfaces in electronic gadgets. They covert these bi-directional printed UWB antennas with partial ground-planes to uni-directional antennas, saving almost 50% of power that is otherwise wasted due to the second beam into the lower hemisphere. Flexible antennas have been fabricated for wireless body area networks. We have shown that mobile phone signal propagation through energy saving glass windows in modern buildings can be significantly improved using frequency selective surfaces.
講演者略歴 Professor Karu Esselle, a full professor of Macquarie University, is the Past Associate Dean - Higher Degree Research of the Division of Information and Communication Sciences. He has also served as a member of the Division Executive from 2003 to 2008 and as the Head of the Department several times. In 2014, Professor Esselle was elected to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Administrative Committee for 2015-17. He is the only one from Asia Pacific region to be elected to this Administrative Committee in six years (from 2010 to 2015). Professor Esselle has authored over 400 research publications. His research has been funded extremely well by many national and international organisations including industry. He has provided expert assistance to more than a dozen companies in Australia and overseas. Professor Esselle and his mentees have received many awards. Nineteen international experts who examined the theses of his recent PhD graduates ranked them in the top 5% or 10%. Professor Esselle directs the Centre for Electromagnetic and Antenna Engineering (CELANE), which is in the Concentration of Research Excellence in Wireless Communications. He leads the Implantable Wireless Program of the WiMed Research Centre at the executive level. In addition to the large number of invited conference speeches he has given, he has been an invited keynote speaker of several events in Australia and overseas. He has chaired committees of many international conferences. His research activities are posted in the web at http://www.engineering.mq.edu.au/research/groups/celane/.
主催 Top Runner Program, Hokkaido University
IEEE Sapporo Section
連絡先 Yoshikazu Miyanaga, Dean, Professor, Dr.Eng.
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-0814, Japan

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成27年3月10日(火) 13:00~16:15
場所 北海道大学 大学院情報科学研究科 5階会議室(5-08室)
Machine Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Tools for Searching in Big Databases
講師 Dr. Prof. Moncef Gabbouj, Academy of Finland Professor Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland
概要 The talk deals with a new paradigm for multimedia search based on content. We present an alternative approach to classical search engines for information retrieval, which can be used for Big and generic multimedia repositories. We introduce an incremental evolution scheme within a collective network of (evolutionary) binary classifier (CNBC) framework. The proposed framework addresses the problems of feature/class scalability and achieves high classification and content-based retrieval performances over dynamic image repositories. The secret behind the success of CNBC is a novel design to implement the backbone of CNBC, namely the binary classifier. This is a special neural network, which is optimally designed using the recently developed evolutionary optimization algorithm called multi-dimensional particle swarm optimization.
講演者略歴 Dr. Gabbouj is an Academy of Finland Professor and Professor at the Department of Signal Processing at Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland. He was a visiting professor at the Departments of Electronic and Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. Dr. Gabbouj was on sabbatical leave as a visiting scholar at the Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, during spring 2012, a visiting professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana during fall 2011, and a visiting professor at the American University of Sharjah, UAE in 2007-2008. He was Head of the Department during 2002-2007. Dr. Gabbouj was Senior Research Fellow of the Academy of Finland during 2007-2008 and 1997-1998. He is the co-founder and past CEO of SuviSoft Oy Ltd. From 1995 to 1998 he was a Professor with the Department of Information Technology of Pori School of Technology and Economics. From 1994 to 1995 he was an Associate Professor with the Signal Processing Laboratory of Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland. From 1990 to 1993 he was a senior research scientist with the Research Institute for Information Technology, Tampere, Finland. His research interests include machine learning, analytics for Big Data, multimedia content-based analysis, indexing and retrieval; nonlinear signal and image processing and analysis; and video processing, coding and communications. Dr. Gabbouj is an IEEE Fellow.
Directional Filtering for Sequential Image Analysis
講師 Dr. Prof. Ari Visa, Professor Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland
概要 Image sequences produced by, e.g., electro-optical sensors are being used increasingly for continuous quality monitoring and surveillance. This letter considers the important problem of multiframe change point detection of signals with unknown dynamics. We have proposed a new CUSUM-based (cumulative SUM) detector for detecting noise-obscured signals in a sequence of frames. Our sequential detector adopts directional filtering, a search philosophy of interesting pixels, of state-of-the-art detector that employs dynamic programming (DP) for so-called track-before-detect (TBD) processing. In case of a persistent change, a detailed comparison reveals our CUSUM-based detector superior to the DP-based TBD detector.
講演者略歴 講演者略歴はこちら
主催 Top Runner Program, Hokkaido University IEEE Sapporo Section,電子情報通信学会北海道支部
連絡先 Yoshikazu Miyanaga, Dean, Professor, Dr.Eng.
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-0814, Japan

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成27年2月24日(火) 15:30~17:00
場所 北海道大学 量子集積エレクトロニクス研究センター 3F セミナー室
講師 Dr. Simon Deleonibus(Chief Scientist at CEA-LETI Silicon Technologies & Components, IEEE Fellow and Distinguished Lecturer)
演題 Future Heterogeneous Device and System Process Technology:towards Zero Intrinsic Variability and Zero Power
概要 Linear scaling CMOS has encountered many hurdles which request new process modules, driven mainly by the maximization of energy efficiency. Fabrication at the sub 10nm node level will request Intrinsic Variability approaching to zero. The rapid growth of mobile, multifunctional and autonomous systems is hardly demanding to reach Zero Power consumption. The solutions to integrate Thin Film based devices, architectures and systems in order to face these challenges are described.
主催(共催) 電子情報通信学会北海道支部
世話人 冨岡克広(北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科)

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成27年2月18日(水) 16:30-18:00
場所 公立はこだて未来大学 R782講義室
講師 松村耕平 氏(立命館大学情報理工学部助教)
演題 ゲーテを超え、その先へ、未来へ。
概要 NTT研究所、日本電気事業部、米国コーニング社で光通信の研究と開発に従事。20代、基地の町横須賀に住んで米軍将兵の暮らしに触れるなかで日本人のグローバル化の必要を痛感。これまでに、通信の世界標準をつくる国際会議に150回以上出席し数10カ国の国や通信産業界の代表が参加する国際会議の議長などを通じて国際議論の厳しさを嫌というほど体験。日本人はジャングルの中の丸腰のお人好し、これで大丈夫かと不安を感じる一方で、我々日本人こそが、宇宙船地球号を守るリーダーシップを発揮するのに最もふさわしいのではないかとも考えています。すでに社会人になったみなさん、また、これからグローバル社会に出てゆく学生の皆さんと一緒に、日本という国、日本人、また、日本ブランドとはなにかを考え、さらに、日本人の特徴である共生の価値観の意味を掘り下げるなかで、これからのグローバル時代に向けて、日本人としての誇りと自信の再確認を、と熱く語りかけます。 
主催 電子情報通信学会 北海道支部
世話人 北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科 野島俊雄
平成26年度 平成25年度 平成24年度 平成23年度 平成22年度 平成21年度 平成20年度 平成19年度 平成18年度以前