

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成26年11月17日(月) 16:15-17:45
場所 室蘭工業大学 R205 プレゼンテーションルーム
講師 ビスヌ・プラサド・ゴータム (稚内北星学園大学・准教授)
演題 Monitoring, Management and Optimal Redundancy of Unstable Networks
概要 Computer Networks are often disrupted by number of reasons. The most powerful disruption might occur during natural disasters. For example, we witnessed that many wired networks and servers of the telecommunication companies were disrupted and damaged by the tsunami in Japan. Similarly, networks services are often disrupted in the real networks of Himalayan regions due to extreme weather and other several reasons. Networks which are not available regularly are regarded as unstable networks. Therefore, it is very essential that Networks must be safeguarded against disasters by providing redundant links or nodes in order to provide stable services. In this study, we surveyed the potential for establishing redundant Wi-Fi networks in schools in the Soya region of Hokkaido, to proactively create a bypass network that can be used if a natural disaster occurs. However, considering the financial constraint, redundancy should be optimal. Following to simulation study, we also conducted a medium scale trace-driven approach to eliminate un-necessary redundancy and make it optimal. By proactively establishing an optimal redundant wireless network as a detour emergency route using our approach, an organization can reduce disaster risk without consuming much time during disasters and can maintain high availability. Furthermore, a robotic vehicle that can monitor and assist the unstable network would also be discussed.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成26年11月21日(金) 14:40~16:10
場所 北海道科学大学 5号館 5202講義室
講師 岩崎 裕江 氏 (日本電信電話株式会社 メディアインテリジェンス研究所主幹研究員)
演題 2020年オリンピックに向けた映像符号化技術
概要 映像符号化技術は、地上デジタル放送(MPEG-2)をはじめとして、 DVD/ストリーミングなど、生活と密着して急速に発達しました。 これまでの映像符号化方式およびその実現方式について示す。 さらに、2020年のオリンピックに向けた最新符号化(HEVC)での 実現方式の課題やサービス像について述べる。
主催 電子情報通信学会 北海道支部 学生会
(後援:IEEE WIE 札幌セクション)

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 2014年11月21日 13時30分より15時30分
場所 北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科棟 11階大会議室 (11-17)
演題 Advances in Cryptographic System Implementations
講師 Prof. Thanos Stouraitis,The University of Patras, Greece
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部, IEEE Sapporo Section
講演内容(Abst.) Advancing telecommunications, data storage, military, health, and other "information- sensitive" technologies have accented cryptography as an important design and security factor. This talk addresses the application framework and VLSI design implementation challenges of modern cryptographic applications and illustrates various cryptography implementation solutions. Of particular interest for this discussion are hardware designs for cryptography as well as the impact of recent algorithmic and mathematical advances in computer arithmetic and alternative number system representations that are useful for cryptography. The lecture also attempts to offer directions towards a more qualitative work model for future cryptography hardware system researchers and designers by showcasing the added value offered by mathematical and algorithmic improvements rather than isolated hardware optimization techniques or exploitation of inherent capabilities of state-of-the-art FPGA devices.
講演者略歴(Bio. of Speaker) Prof. Thanos Stouraitis, an IEEE Fellow for his "contributions in digital signal processing architectures and computer arithmetic," is a Professor of the ECE Dept. at the University of Patras, Greece, where he directs the Signal and Image Processing Laboratory. He was President of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society for 2012-3. He has served as a member of the founding AdCom of the University of Sterea Hellas in Greece. He has served on the faculty of The Ohio State University and has visited the University of Florida, the New York Polytechnic University, and the University of British Columbia. He served as Regional Editor for Europe for the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, as Associate Editor for several IEEE Transactions. He reviews proposals for NSF, the European Commission, and other agencies. He has served as general chair of IEEE ISCAS 2006 and several other IEEE conferences. He has received several awards, including the IEEE Guillemin-Cauer Award.
世話人 宮永 喜一(北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科 教授)

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成26年10月17日(金)13:30〜14:30
場所 北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科棟 A12講義室
演題 粘菌アメーバ型解探索アルゴリズムとその収束性
講師 巳波 弘佳 教授(関西学院大)
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
講演内容(Abst.)  これまで計算困難問題に対する様々なメタヒューリスティックアルゴリズムが研究されてきたが、その一つとして粘菌アメーバの示す時空間振動ダイナミクスに着想を得た解探索アルゴリズムがある.このアルゴリズムは,高速な解探索能力を示し,超小型で低消費エネルギーであるナノデバイスにより実装も可能である.本講演では,計算困難問題の一つである充足可能性判定問題(SAT)を解く粘菌アメーバ型解探索アルゴリズムについて,安定状態とSAT解発見や収束性に関する最近の成果を紹介する.
世話人 葛西 誠也 (北海道大学)

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成26年10月23日(木)16:00〜17:00
場所 北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科棟 A12室
演題 Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
講師 Dr. Michal Haindl (Head of Department of Pattern Recognition, Czech Republic)
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部, 情報処理学会北海道支部
講演内容(Abst.) A visual appearance of natural materials significantly depends on acquisition circumstances, particularly illumination conditions and viewpoint position, whose variations cause difficulties in the analysis of real scenes. We address this issue in the framework of unsupervised segmentation of static and dynamic textures. Textural features, based on fast estimates of Markovian statistics, that are simultaneously rotation and illumination invariant will be discussed. The proposed features are invariant to in-plane material rotation and illumination spectrum (colour invariance), they are robust to local intensity changes (cast shadows) and illumination direction. No knowledge of illumination conditions is required and recognition is possible from a single training image per material. The material recognition is tested on the currently most realistic visual representation - Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF), using CUReT and ALOT texture datasets with more than 250 natural materials. Our proposed features significantly outperform leading alternatives including Local Binary Patterns (LB, LB-HF) and texton MR8 methods. Finally we will discuss textural segmenters performance verification based on the Prague texture segmentation data-generator and benchmark and its recent modifications.
Key words: Texture modeling, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Unsupervised image segmentation
講演者略歴(Bio. of Speaker) Prof. Ing. Michal Haindl, DrSc. Michal Haindl Position: head of the department Department: Pattern Recognition (RO) Research interests: Spatial Data Modelling; Virtual Reality; Pattern Recognition (See the detail at http://www.utia.cas.cz/people/haindl)
Professor Michal Haindl graduated with honours in control engineering from the Czech Technical University (1979), Prague, received Ph.D. in technical cybernetics from the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1984), and the ScD (DrSc) degree from the Czech Technical University (2001), and full professor (2010) from the West Bohemian University, Pilsen. He is a fellow of the IAPR, senior member of the IEEE, the court expert in Computer Science, and member of the Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Michal Haindl has published during his thirty-five-year scientific career over 290 scientific publications in books, journal articles, and conference proceedings. He has been the proposer, principal investigator, principal co-investigator or research group leader of several large successful EU projects and numerous national research projects. He has published significant results in various areas of mathematical modeling, mainly modeling hydraulic supercritical flow (the mathematical conditions for the ring jump occurrence, 4 patents, 150 realized sewage treatment plants using this principle), adaptive control theory, remote sensing (highway recognition, ecology, agriculture), random fields theory, computer vision (image and video restoration), and pattern recognition (several top-ranking unsupervised segmenters). Together with his collaborators he developed majority of published BTF modeling results and his group enjoys leading position in this newly emerging frontier research area.
世話人 工藤 峰一(北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科 教授)

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成26年10月8日(水)13:00〜17:30
場所 北海道大学情報科学研究科棟5階中会議室5-08
演題 Links-on-the-fly technologies: from the correlated source coding theorem viewpoint
講師 松本 正/Tad Matsumoto(北陸先端大/University of Oulu, Finland)
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部
講演内容(Abst.) The goal of this talk is to provide audience with the knowledge about the relationship between relay systems and the Distributed Coding techniques for correlated sources. This talk will be started by briefly reviewing the historical background and progress of Information Theory and Signal Processing for Wireless Communications. Especially, how and why iterative (turbo) decoding can achieve asymptotically the close-limit performance will be addressed. Then, the focus of this talk is shifted to cooperative communications, where Decode-and-forward (DF) relaying has long been considered as one of the most suitable and promising techniques for the applications to practical systems, because it does not require source-relay (referred to as intra-links) channel state information at the destination. It is shown that performance of the conventional DF systems can significantly be improved by performing another interleaving at the relay, with which the resulting network structure is equivalent to distributed turbo code. Furthermore, since the knowledge about the bit error probability of the source-relay node can be used as the correlation between the two frames, one from the source, and the other from the relay, we can well exploit the Slepian-Wolf theorem; With the utilization of the theorem, the relay can forward the frame even though it detects errors in the information part, and the destination can recover the data losslessly.
Then, this talk further expands the idea, from lossless-likn-design-based to lossy-based. In this part, we assume that none of the relays at the final stage has no errors in the information parts of the frames. This category of the problems belongs to Distributed Lossy Coding, represented by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) problem, in Network Information Theory. Even in this situation, still the destination can recover the data with the distortion level lower than specified. This talk introduces conceptual bases of the lossless (Slepian Wolf) and lossy-link-design –based network design, and provides basic ideas for signal detection algorithms for the both cases based on the turbo principle. Results of initial simulations conducted to evaluate the performances of the detection/decoding techniques for several simple network models are also presented. The major applications of the system concept introduced in this keynote speech are Wireless Mesh Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Machine-to-Machine networks, Wireless Internet-of-Things, and Densely Populated Wireless Networks, as well as Rapid Construction of Monitoring Systems in Devastated Public Facilities, such as Fukushima.
Finally, this talk briefly introduces "Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient and Smart Communication in Unpredictable Environments (RESCUE) a EU FP7 ICT-2013 project, of which concept was motivated by the technological bases described above. The objective of the project is to create energy- and spectrally-efficient communication systems which are robust against unpredictable network topology changes. The origin of the project proposal is that massive earthquakes including series of aftershock hit the Tohoku and Kanto areas in Japan on March 11, 2011, followed by unprecedentedly huge Tsunami waves of up to 40 m height. After the huge devastative/disastrous event clearly indicated several limitations in operability of the conventional wireless communication systems based on the accurate link budget allocation concept and communication chain design (coding, signaling chain, as well as also higher layer protocols), and the continuation of the communication is supported by a proper handover algorithm. The systems, which are expected to keep its operability in unpredicted network damages, have to be robust against the network topology change.
The results are expected to be applicable to machine-to-machine and vehicle-to-vehicle communications as well as communication for internet-of-things since they should also require the robustness against the network topology change, and have to be highly energy-efficient. This talk provides the participants with the knowledge of technological bases towards achieving this goal, performance limit/outage derivations, and some practical coding/decoding algorithms. The issues described above are explained mainly from the viewpoint of lossless/lossy distributed correlated source coding theorems in network information theory.
Keywords: Decode-and-Forward Based Cooperative Communications Allowing Intra-link Errors, Slepian-Wolf Theorem, Source Coding with a Helper, Lossless and Lossy Networks, Intra-link Error Probability Estimation, Highly Densely Located Nodes, Links-on-the-Fly
講演者略歴(Bio. of Speaker) Tad Matsumoto received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, in 1978, 1980, and 1991, respectively, all in electrical engineering. He joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) in April 1980. Since he engaged in NTT, he was involved in a lot of research and development projects, all for mobile wireless communications systems. In July 1992, he transferred to NTT DoCoMo, where he researched Code-Division Multiple-Access techniques for Mobile Communication Systems. In April 1994, he transferred to NTT America, where he served as a Senior Technical Advisor of a joint project between NTT and NEXTEL Communications. In March 1996, he returned to NTT DoCoMo, where he served as a Head of the Radio Signal Processing Laboratory until August of 2001; He worked on adaptive signal processing, multiple-input multiple-output turbo signal detection, interference cancellation, and space-time coding techniques for broadband mobile communications. In March 2002, he moved to University of Oulu, Finland, where he served as a Professor at Centre for Wireless Communications. In 2006, he served as a Visiting Professor at Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany, funded by the German MERCATOR Visiting Professorship Program. Since April 2007, he has been serving as a Professor at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan, while also keeping the position at University of Oulu. Prof. Matsumoto has been appointed as a Finland Distinguished Professor for a period from January 2008 to December 2012, funded by the Finnish National Technology Agency (Tekes) and Finnish Academy, under which he preserves the rights to participate in and apply to European and Finnish national projects. Prof. Matsumoto is a recipient of IEEE VTS Outstanding Service Award (2001), Nokia Foundation Visiting Fellow Scholarship Award (2002), IEEE Japan Council Award for Distinguished Service to the Society (2006), IEEE Vehicular Technology Society James R. Evans Avant Garde Award (2006), and Thuringen State Research Award for Advanced Applied Science (2006), 2007 Best Paper Award of Institute of Electrical, Communication, and Information Engineers of Japan (2008), Telecom System Technology Award by the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (2009), IEEE Communication Letters Exemplifying Reviewer Award (2011), and Nikkei Wireless Japan Award (2012). He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Member of IEICE. He is serving as an IEEE Vehicular Technology Distinguished Lecturer during the term July 2011-June 2015.
世話人 大鐘 武雄(北海道大学)ohgane@ist.hokudai.ac.jp

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成26年6月27日(金)13:00~14:30
場所 北見工業大学 A106講義室
演題 電磁波を用いた環境リモートセンシング
講師 島根大学総合理工学研究科 下舞豊志 准教授
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
世話人 安井 崇(北見工業大学)

電子情報通信学会北海道支部 講演会

日時 平成26年5月9日(金)13:00〜15:45
場所 北海道大学情報科学研究科棟11階大会議室11-17
演題(1) 確率伝播法による統計的信号検出とそのEXIT解析
講師(1) 衣斐信介(大阪大学)
概要(1) 本講演では,ディジタル通信システムにおける信号検出の基礎を述べた上で,最大事後確率と確率伝搬法に基づく信号検出の解説を行う.各々の手法の問題点を明確にした後,統計的信号検出の収束性(適切性)を相互情報量伝達(EXIT: EXtrinsic Information Transfer)チャートにより解析する手法を詳しく述べる.
演題(2) 圧縮センシングとその通信応用
講師(2) 林和則(京都大学)
概要(2) 式の数が未知変数の数よりも少ない劣決定系の連立方程式では,一般に解がユニークに定まらない.圧縮センシングは,線形観測にもとづく劣決定系の線形連立方程式の真の解が疎であること,すなわち,そのほとんどの成分が0であること,が分かっているときに,疎性を手がかりにして真の解を導きだす新しい理論的な枠組みである.本講演では,劣決定系の線形連立方程式に対する従来のアプローチの復習からスタートして,圧縮センシングの基本的なアイデアについて解説する.さらに,圧縮センシングのいくつかの応用例について情報通信分野を中心に紹介する.
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部
世話人 大鐘武雄(北海道大学)(ohgane@ist.hokudai.ac.jp)

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成26年2月12日(水)16:30〜18:00
場所 公立はこだて未来大学 R791講義室
演題 名刺データ化を支える画像処理技術
講師 島 貴宏 氏 (Sansan株式会社)
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
概要 名刺管理という古くて新しい課題から、世界を変える新たな価値を生み出すSansan。その根本である名刺のデータ化を支える画像処理技術について紹介します。

電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会 講演会

日時 平成26年2月6日(木)14:30〜16:00
場所 北見工業大学 C122講義室
演題 「やる気ならできる ー DVDの国際規格化」
講師 山田尚志氏(元(株)東芝 首席技監)
主催 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生会
概要 DVDが1995年の国際規格制定以来,世界的に普及したことはご存知のとおりである.技術と規格化の両面からDVDの開発に携わった講演者自身の経験から,DVDの国際規格化に当っての技術的問題点とその克服,さらには今回の規格化の交渉を例にとり,日本人が欧米人と利害の対立するところで交渉する場合のいろいろな経験に基づく交渉の進め方など,電子情報通信関係の技術者を目指す若者が元気の出る話をしたい.

電子情報通信学会 北海道大学Student Branch 講演会

日時 平成26年1月30日(木)14:45〜16:15
場所 北海道大学 大学院情報科学研究科 A12教室
演題 防衛技術研究の今と若手研究職技官の活躍の場
講師 高萩 和宏 氏 (防衛省 技術研究本部 電子装備研究所)
主催 電子情報通信学会 北海道大学Student Branch