
Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:C4L-D



A PWM-mode CMOS Threshold-coupled-map Circuit Robust to Device Mismatches

Seiji Uenohara,  Daisuke Atuti,  Kenji Matsuzaka,  Hakaru Tamukoh,  Takashi Morie,  Kazuyuki Aihara,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In order to develop large-scale coupled nonlinear dynamical systems using CMOS integrated circuits, we propose a threshold-coupled-map element circuit that is robust to CMOS device mismatch. We have already proposed a voltage- and a current-waveform-sampling-mode circuits which can achieve arbitrary analog nonlinear dynamics in the time domain by using pulse width/phase modulation (PWM/PPM) signals. The voltage-samplingmode circuit is robust to device mismatches of CMOS circuit elements, while the current-sampling-mode circuit facilitates weighted summation. These advantages are important for developing a large-scale coupled array circuit. In this study, we propose a new circuit that is robust to DC offset voltage variation as well as current variation, by utilizing the advantage of both sampling-mode circuits. We show the robustness of the proposed circuit by an HSPICE circuit simulation.


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