
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:B1L-D



Synchronization induced by common colored noise on electric circuits

Tsubasa Kawai,  Wataru Kurebayashi,  Kantaro Fujiwara,  Kenya Jin'no,  Yoshihiko Horio,  Tohru Ikeguchi,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Synchronization is common phenomena in various systems, such as mechanical systems, biological systems, electrical systems and so on. These synchronizations are typically caused by mutual couplings between oscillators. In contrast, synchronization by common white noise, which is different from the synchronization by mutual couplings, has been observed in neurons and electrical circuits. In this paper, we investigated synchronization by common colored noise using electric circuits. We used square-wave oscillators by operational amplifiers and 1/ƒ noise as colored noise. In the experiments, we applied the 1/ƒ noise to two square-wave oscillators, measured outputs voltage from the oscillators, and calculated a phase difference between the oscillators. As a result, we confirmed that synchronizations by common colored noise of 1/ƒ noise are observed from the electric circuits. The results indicate that the theory of synchronization by common colored noise can also be applied to real systems, such as electric circuits.


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