
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:3D3



Alternative and Robust Technique for the Calculation of Dispersion Relations in Grounded Layered Media

Juan Sebastian Gomez-Diaz,  


Publication Date:2012/10/29

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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The study of the modal characteristics of grounded layered media is extremely important in the analysis of commonly employed microwave and optics circuits. In a general case, this task requires the root searching of certain functions in the 2D complex plane, which provides the modal solutions of the structure under analysis. Different techniques have been proposed in the literature to solve this problem, ranging from using initial quasi-static asymptotic points for the complex search to methods of integral nature. However, still a simple and efficient search strategy is not generally found. Recently, a novel approach was proposed for the computation of complex modes related to laterally shielded multilayered media. In this contibution, we employ the underlying ideas introduced there to obtain the dispersion relations of grounded unbounded layered media. The proposed technique is based on the relations between modes of closed and open layered media, which allow to track the modes in the complex plane when the boundary conditions of the structure are modified from PEC to free-space. The main advantage of this approach is that, as in the case of integral methods and unlikely purely differential techniques, it allows to compute all complex modes within a given region under study. Furthermore, the method is easy to implement, fast, and provides insight into the nature of complex modes.