
2007 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:19PM1-A



A Numerical Study on Invariant Manifold Related to Transition of Intrinsic Localized Mode in Coupled Cantilever Array

Masayuki Kimura,  Takashi Hikihara,  


Publication Date:2007/9/16

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Intrinsic localized mode (ILM) is spatially localized and temporally periodic oscillation in nonlinear coupled oscillators. Recently, ILM has been observed in a micro-cantilever array by Sato et al. We deal with the dynamical properties of ILM in a homogeneous cantilever array with fixed boundaries. The coexistence and the stability of ILMs are investigated. The stability of ILM is changed with the nonlinear inter-site potential when the nonlinear on-site potential is fixed. The ILMs can exchange their stability between stable mode and unstable mode depending on the nonlinear inter-site potential. The transition is discussed based on the invariant manifold related to an unstable ILM. It is clarified that localized oscillations due to a stable ILM can shift their position via the stability change of ILM.