
Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:C3L-D



Investigation and Analysis of Phase-Inversion Waves in In-and-Anti-Phase Synchronization on 3D Lattice Oscillators

Shouhei FUJIMOTO,  Seiko KUNIHIRO,  Masayuki YAMAUCHI,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In our previous study, we observed and analyzed synchronization phenomena on ladder shape systems and 2D lattice shape systems which are constructed by many oscillators. We discovered a wave which is a phenomenon changing from in-phase to anti-phase synchronization or from anti-phase to in-phase synchronization. We call the phenomenon a phase-inversion wave.
In this study, we observe and analyze phase-inversion waves in in-and-anti-phase synchronizations on 3D lattice shape systems which include many van der Pol oscillators coupled by inductors. We clarify a domain of parameters existing phase-inversion waves, and analyze a propagation mechanism of the phase-inversion wave.


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