
2011 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications


Session Number:B2L-D



Nonlocal synchronization mechanism in firing dynamics of neural networks

R. Vardi,  E. Kopelowitz,  M. Zigzag,  W. Kinzel,  M. Abeles,  D. Cohen,  I. Kanter,  


Publication Date:2011/9/4

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Simulations of Hodgkin Huxley population dynamic networks with unidirectional connectivity and synaptic noise indicate a new nonlocal mechanism governing the periodic activity mode: the greatest common divisor (GCD) of network loops. For a stimulus to one node, the network splits into GCD-clusters in which cluster neurons are in zero-lag synchronization. For complex external stimuli, the number of clusters can be any common divisor of loops. The synchronized mode and the transients to synchronization pinpoint the type of external stimuli. The findings supported by an information mixing mechanism, call for reexamining sources of correlated activity in cortex and shorter information processing time scales.