
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications


Session Number:P2



Spectrum based Color Representation on Augmented Reality

Kyudong Sim,  Jong-Il Park ,  


Publication Date:2016/7/10

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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As mobile devices have improved, many people have experienced augmented reality. However, an augmented object seems to be floated on real object because of color difference, shadow effect, and so on, and a lot of studies are conducted to overcome the problem. In this paper, we suggest augmented reality based on spectrum in a robust illumination. To display a spectral object on a RGB color display device, power spectrum of illumination and sensitivity of camera are obtained using an expanded marker which contains many colors. Evaluations are conducted by comparing relit color accuracy between conventional color correction and suggested method because the suggested method shows high accuracy and well color adaptation in illumination, it is expected to be used in various illumination condition.