
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:C0L-D



Modeling of Competitive Networks Using Coupled Chaotic Circuits

Yoko Uwate,  Yoshifumi Nishio,  


Publication Date:2017/12/4

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Recently, synchronization in complex networks with different types of interactions has been extensively investigated for understanding important role played by the interactions. This is because interactions in networks leads to the emergence of key synchronization phenomena, especially competitive coupling can be observed in real world networks.However, a node in a complex network is expressed by a mathematical model in most studies of synchronization of complex networks with competitive interactions. Although, it is very important to use mathematical model for complex networks in order to understand the synchronization states by approaching theoretical methods, we also need to consider physical models for future engineering applications. In this study, we focus on synchronization state observed in two networks of chaotic circuits which are coupled in one direction hierarchically. We analyze the role of synchronization by changing the competitive coupling strategies.