The 2016 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2016)

number title/author
A4L-B-1Control of Avoidance for Chaos by Using Downhill Simplex Method
Kohsuke Yamato, Akihiro Kawabata, Mio Kobayashi, Tetsuya Yoshinaga,
A4L-B-2Experimental Verification of Amplitude Death in a Pair of Double-Scroll Circuits Coupled by a One-Way Partial Time-Varying Delay Connection
Shinnosuke Masamura, Yoshiki Sugitani, Keiji Konishi, Naoyuki Hara,
A4L-B-3An Implementation of Fault-Tolerant FSSP Algorithms
Naoki Kamikawa, Hiroshi Umeo,
A4L-B-4Steady State Analysis of Digital Return Maps and Cellular Automata
Naoki Tada, Hiroki Yamaoka, Toshimichi Saito,
A4L-B-5A Variety of Super-Stable Periodic Orbits in a Simple Dynamical System with Integrate-and-Fire Switching
Risa Takahashi, Toshimichi Saito,