International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation ISAP 2009

number title/author
3B4-1Physics in Resonant Transmission on the Small Aperture Coupling
Jong-Eon Park, Jong-Ig Lee, Ji-Whan Ko, Young-Ki Cho,
3B4-2Investigation of a Printed Coaxial-to-Waveguide Transition
M. Tashnadi, N. Lang, H. Matzner,
3B4-3The delay line of Left-handed microstrip implemented by complementary split ring resonators
S. Pasakawee, Z. Hu,
3B4-4Microstrip BPF using SIRs with Wide and Deep Harmonics Suppression Band
S. Theerawisitpong, T. Suzuki, N. Morita, Y. Utsumi,