2022 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications

number title/author
C3L-E-01Investigations of Degree Period of Commutative Polynomials Defined by Fourth-Order Recurrence Relations with Two Variables Over $Z_{2^k}$
Takuma Nishizaka , Daisaburo Yoshioka,
C3L-E-02Design of Single-Electron Unicursal Curve Drawing Circuit for Solving Undirected Graph
Seiji Tsukada , Takahide Oya,
C3L-E-03Reduction of Communication Cost in Distributed Orthogonal Approximate Message Passing
Ken Hisanaga , Motohiko Isaka,
C3L-E-04Design of a New Information-Processing Single-Electron Circuit Mimicking Behavior of Herd of Wolves
Riku Ogawa , Takahide Oya,