2023 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications

number title/author
B3L-41A Quantum Walk Model with Energy Dissipation for a Dressed-Photon–Phonon Confined by an Impurity Atom-Pair in a Crystal
Ohtsu Motoichi, Segawa Etsuo, Yuki Kenta, Saito Soken,
B3L-42Category Algebras and States on Categories for the Off-Shell Science
Saigo Hayato,
B3L-43Inferring Unseen Complex Dynamics of a Semiconductor Laser Subject to Feedback with a Digital Twin
Goldmann Mirko, Fischer Ingo, Mirasso Rubens Claudio, Soriano Cornelles Miguel,
B3L-44Optical Skin-Soft Interface Using Soft Materials and Hyperdimensional Computing
Kitagawa Kei, Sunada Satoshi, Niiyama Tomoaki,