Information and Systems-Speech(Date:1997/03/07)



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[Paper #]
An Analytical Approach for the Synthesis of 2-D State-Space Filter Structures with Low Weighted Sensitivity

Takao HINAMOTO,  Yoshitaka ZEMPO,  

[Paper #]CAS96-101,DSP96-152,CS96-157
Design of Variable FIR Digital Filters with Arbitrary Frequency Responses

Tian-Bo Deng,  

[Paper #]CAS96-102,DSP96-153,CS96-158
A Study on the Convergence Speed of an Adaptive IIR Filter Based on the Estimation of Allpass System

James Okello,  Yoshio Itoh,  Yutaka Fukui,  Masaki Kobayashi,  

[Paper #]CAS96-103,DSP96-154,CS96-159
Steady-State Analysis of Adaptive IIR Digital Notch Filter

Lijie Han,  Shotaro Nishimura,  

[Paper #]CAS96-104,DSP96-155,CS96-160
Sample Delay Reduction of Linear Phase IIR Filters by Shortening Section Length of Signals

Syoichiro Miyase,  Shigenori Tomiyama,  Tsuyoshi Takebe,  

[Paper #]CAS96-105,DSP96-156,CS96-161
Efficient IIR filter design for approximation of complex frequency characteristics

Shuichi Matsumoto,  Fumihiro Yato,  Atsushi Miyauchi,  Yoshito Mekada,  Hiroshi Hasegawa,  Masao Kasuga,  

[Paper #]CAS96-106,DSP96-157,CS96-162
Design of Adaptive Stack Filters Using Counter Propagation Networks

Mitsuji MUNEYASU,  Yoshihiro YASUI,  Takao HINAMOTO,  

[Paper #]CAS96-107,DSP96-158,CS96-163
Fuzzy Stack Filtering with Structural Constraints

Akira Taguchi,  Kentaro Okamura,  Nobunori Izawa,  

[Paper #]CAS96-108,DSP96-159,CS96-164
A Selective Reconstruction of Hierarchically Synthesized Signals Using DFT Filter Bank

Shoichiro Yamasaki,  Hirokazu Tanaka,  

[Paper #]CAS96-109,DSP96-160,CS96-165
A Method for Achieving a High-resolution APD Measuring Circuit

Masaharu UCHINO,  Yoshinobu HAYASHI,  Takashi SHINOZUKA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-110,DSP96-161,CS96-166
The Analysis and Model Design of Aircraft Vertical Porifile Using Factor Analysis

Masayuki SHIRAKAWA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-111,DSP96-162,CS96-167
An Evaluation of Network Structure for Diversity Coded ATM Network

Kazuo Takada,  Tokuhiro Kitami,  

[Paper #]CAS96-112,DSP96-163,CS96-168
Enhanced Self-Healing Technique using Healthy Segment of Failed Virtual Paths

Hiroyuki Seta,  Tokuhiro Kitami,  

[Paper #]CAS96-113,DSP96-164,CS96-169
A Performance Comparison of Stored Media Synchronization Schemes in ATM and Wireless Networks

Shuji Tasaka,  Yutaka Ishibashi,  

[Paper #]CAS96-114,DSP96-165,CS96-170
A high-gain and wide-band FM demodulator IC for optical video transmission systems employing optical heterodyne AM/FM converter

Masaki Hirose,  Keiji Kishine,  Noboru Ishihara,  Yukio Akazawa,  Koji Kikushima,  Chisei Kishimoto,  Kiyomi Komozaki,  

[Paper #]CAS96-115,DSP96-166,CS96-171


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