Information and Systems-Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication(Date:2014/06/07)



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[Paper #]
Trouble information extraction based on rules and machine learning from Twitter

Kohei KURIHARA,  Kazutaka SHIMADA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-1
Early Detection of Disasters with Contextual Information on Twitter

Shota SAITO,  Yohei IKAWA,  Hideyuki SUZUKI,  Akiko MURAKAMI,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-2
Reverse Engineering Twitter Hashtag Algorithm


[Paper #]NLC2014-3
Automatically-Generated Dictionary-based Emotion Recognition from Tweet Speech

Eri YANASE,  Hiromitsu NISHIZAKI,  Yoshihiro SEKIGUCHI,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-4
On-site likelihood identification of tweets with context information

Yurie ONITSUKA,  Kazutaka SHIMADA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-5
The Character Inference Method Based on Syntactic Analysis and Emotion Judgment from Twitter

Yusuke KANAMARU,  Akihiro TOYOSHIMA,  Noriyuki OKUMURA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-6
The Difficulty Estimation Method for Mystery Novels using Context Analysis

Seiya HIRAOKA,  Noriyuki OKUMURA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-7
Refining the Classification Hierarchy of the Verb Conceptual Dictionary in an Integrated Narrative Generation System

Taisuke AKIMOTO,  Takashi OGATA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-8
An Attempt for Automatic Acquisition of Attribute Frames in the Integrated Narrative Generation System

Jumpei ONO,  Taisuke AKIMOTO,  Takashi OGATA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-9
Detection of Community Events Using HTML Structure of Web Documents

Kazuki ASANO,  Koichi TAKEUCHI,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-10
Extraction of Determinants of Postoperative Length of Stay from Operation Records

Takanori YAMASHITA,  Yoshifumi WAKATA,  Satoshi HAMAI,  Yasuharu NAKASHIMA,  Yukihide IWAMOTO,  Naoki NAKASHIMA,  Sachio HIROKAWA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-11
A Method for Utilizing Less Relevant Documents to Relevance Feedback

Takaaki WADA,  Hidetoshi NAGAI,  Teigo NAKAMURA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-12
Making a Consumer behavior model with using values

Emiko FUJII,  Yinjun HU,  Yoshihide NISHIO,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-13
Using text mining techniques to analyze free answer questions

Yinjun HU,  Yasuo TANIDA,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-14


[Paper #]NLC2014-15
Computing Cross-Lingual Semantic Textual Similarities based on Machine Learning

WENTAO Luo,  Yoshihiko HAYASHI,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-16
A Comparative Study of Unsounded Code Strings at the End of Japanese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French Tweets

HIROKI Matsumoto,  YASUHIKO Watanabe,  KUNIHIRO Nakajima,  RYO Nishimura,  YOSHIHIRO Okada,  

[Paper #]NLC2014-17


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