Information and Systems-Life Intelligence and Office Information Systems(Date:2017/09/04)

Research of relationship between nurse's irregular working shift and happiness using wearable sensors

Yuki Nagai(Tokyo Tech),  Nobuo Sato(Hitachi),  Eiji Kawamoto(Mie Univ. HP),  Hiroshi Imai(Mie Univ. HP),  Motomu Shimaoka(Mie Univ.),  Kazuo Yano(Hitachi),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-18,IE2017-39,EMM2017-47
Improvement of work element estimation in warehouse work probe system

Toshimasa Aso(Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-16,IE2017-37,EMM2017-45

Satomi Tsuji(Hitachi),  Nobuo Sato(Hitachi),  Kazuo Yano(Hitachi),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-17,IE2017-38,EMM2017-46
Image Manipulation Analysis on Social Networking Service for Encryption-then-Compression Systems

Tatsuya Chuman(Tokyo Metro. Univ.),  Kenta Iida(Tokyo Metro. Univ.),  Hitoshi Kiya(Tokyo Metro. Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-13,IE2017-34,EMM2017-42
An Image Identification Scheme for Double-Compressed JPEG Images and Its Application to SNSs

Kenta Iida(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  Tatsuya Chuman(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  Hitoshi Kiya(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-14,IE2017-35,EMM2017-43
Privacy-preserving SVM processing by using random unitary transformation

Takahiro Maekawa(Tokyo Metro.Univ.),  Yuma Kinoshita(Tokyo Metro.Univ.),  Sayaka Shiota(Tokyo Metro.Univ.),  Hitoshi Kiya(Tokyo Metro.Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-15,IE2017-36,EMM2017-44
Discussion on Operation of Emergency Management Support System for Information sharing and interorganizational collaboration

Naoko Kosaka(NTT),  Akira Koyama(NTT),  Tsuneko Kura(NTT),  Yoshihiro Yoshida(NTT),  Koji Kishi(NTT),  Tadayoshi Maruyama(Organising Committee),  Koichi Takamatsu(Organising Committee),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-20,IE2017-41,EMM2017-49
An Evaluation of Applicability of Speech Intelligibility Enhancement Technique on Speech Guidance System for Visually Impaired People

Tatsuaki Ito(NTT),  Yukihiro Nakamura(NTT),  Masafumi Suzuki(NTT),  Nobukatsu Hojo(NTT),  Manabu Okamoto(NTT),  Hirohisa Tezuka(NTT),  Shinichiro Yamashita(TIAT),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-24,IE2017-45,EMM2017-53
[Fellow Memorial Lecture] Controlling the information at border between cyber and physical worlds

Isao Echizen(NII),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-21,IE2017-42,EMM2017-50
Color group constraint for image smoothing

Riku Mikami(Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.),  Taichi Yoshida(Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.),  Masahiro Iwahashi(Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-25,IE2017-46,EMM2017-54
Characteristic Evaluations of Probabilistic Location Information using Geographic Coordinate Information and Pass-by Information

Ryoma Tabata(Kobe Univ.),  Sachio Saiki(Kobe Univ.),  Masahide Nakamura(Kobe Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-22,IE2017-43,EMM2017-51
Information Disclosing Mechanism Based on the Healthcare PKI for Collaboration of Home Medical Care and Nursing Services

Yoichiro Inayoshi(NIT),  Yoshiaki Shiraishi(Kobe Univ.),  Jun Takeo(NIT),  Shohei Kato(NIT),  Takaaki Yaguchi(NIT),  Akira Iwata(NIT),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-19,IE2017-40,EMM2017-48
Indoor Transmission Performance of Tone Code

Kan Kamada(NIT, Tokyo College),  Tetsuya Kojima(NIT, Tokyo College),  

[Paper #]LOIS2017-23,IE2017-44,EMM2017-52