Human Communication Group-Human Information Processing(Date:2018/08/02)

The continuity between body and tool

Yoshihiro Itaguchi(Keio Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-45
The effect of kinematic components on unintentional error in writing

Chiharu Yamada(Waseda Univ.),  Yoshihiro Itaguchi(Keio Univ.),  Kazuyoshi Fukuzawa(Waseda Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-43
A proposal of "tactile/rubbing biofeedback" general purpose platform

Yoichi Nagashima(SUAC),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-39
Recognition of the cheek visual aparence changes for the man machine interface to limb-disabled person

Noboru Murabayashi(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Kenichi Yoshida(Univ. of Tsukuba),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-38
The development of multisensory object recognition and speech perception.

Yuta Ujiie(Chuo Univ),  So Kanazawa(Japan Women's Univ),  Masami K Yamaguchi(Chuo Univ),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-47
Development of a prescription auditing simulation task to assess human error

Yukihisa Matsuda(Fukuyama Univ.),  Akane Nakayama(Fukuyama Univ.),  Tsuyoshi Goromaru(Fukuyama Univ.),  Seiji Eto(Fukuyama Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-41
The process of emotion perception from touch

Rika Oya(TWCU),  Akihiro Tanaka(TWCU),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-42
[Invited Talk] Behavioral Engineering: Science & Technology for Describing, Predicting, and Controlling Human Behavior

Soichiro Matsuda(Univ. Tsukuba),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-48
Psychological factors of choking under pressure among pianists

Reiko Ishimaru(Kwansei Gakuin Univ.),  Shinichi Furuya(Sony CSL),  Noriko Nagata(Kwansei Gakuin Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-40
Neural basis of perceptual narrowing towards adult faces

Megumi Kobayashi(Institute for Developmental Research, Aichi Human Service Center),  Viola Macchi Cassia(Univ. of Milano-Vicocca),  So Kanazawa(Japan Women's Univ.),  Masami K. Yamaguchi(Chuo Univ.),  Ryusuke Kakigi(NIPS),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-46
A study on sense of body ownership during full-body illusion using VR-HMD

Chiharu Toi(Ochanomizu Univ.),  Akira Ishiguchi(Ochanomizu Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-44
Difference in gaze patterns between novice and expert of ECEC staff: an explanatory study

Mikako Ishibashi(Ochanomizu Univ.),  Takahashi Midori(Utokyo),  Nozawa Sachiko(Utokyo),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-55
The effect of engaging in dialogue with strangers on empathic accuracy

Shushi Namba(Hiroshima Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-54
Children's eye gaze pattern during audiovisual emotion and phoneme perception

Hisako W. Yamamoto(TWCU),  Misako Kawahara(TWCU),  Akihiro Tanaka(TWCU),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-53
A Study of Presenting Information Based on Human Visual Characteristics Using Eye Tracking and Saliency Map

Yusei Harigaya(Univ. of Tokyo),  Susumu Shirayama(Univ. of Tokyo),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-50
A Study on Relationship of Information Accessibility with Pupillary Response in Human Interactions

Rie Osawa(Univ. of Tokyo),  Naoki Bonkohara(Univ. of Tokyo),  Susumu Shirayama(Univ. of Tokyo),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-49
Fundamental Study of a Landmark-Based Pedestrian-Navigation System

Yuya Shirai(Univ of Tokyo),  Susumu Shirayama(Univ of Tokyo),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-51
An Analysis of Factors that Contribute to Localization of Directional Audio Sources

Rie Osawa(Univ. of Tokyo),  Susumu Shirayama(Univ. of Tokyo),  

[Paper #]HIP2018-52