Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Thought and Language(Date:2018/06/17)

Elucidation of the Functions of the Synonymous Onomatopoeia of "shikkari" , "chanto", and "kichinto"

Jingxin Zhang(Kobe Univ),  

[Paper #]TL2018-9
View of the things impacting on the interpretation of time

Hiroshi Sano(TUFS),  

[Paper #]TL2018-3
Designing English Communication Activities based on STEAM

Yasushi Tsubota(KIT),  Yoshitaka Sugimoto(Nanyo),  

[Paper #]TL2018-11
Effects of Sentence Construction Familiarity in Language Production of Japanese EFL Learners

Kaori Hyodo(Kobe Univ.),  Hirokazu Yokokawa(Kobe Univ.),  

[Paper #]TL2018-7
Change of Emotions of Tweets by Lengthening Their Expressions

Tadahiko Kumamoto(CIT),  

[Paper #]TL2018-4
Effects of Repeated Exposure of Syntactic Structures on Syntactic Priming in the Language Production of Japanese EFL Learners

Mayu Hamada(St. Andrew's Univ.),  Hirokazu Yokokawa(Kobe Univ.),  

[Paper #]TL2018-6
Analysis of Correlation between Logical Thinking of Japanese and Mathematics

Akio Shimogoori(NIT,Hakodate College),  Michiko Oba(Fun),  

[Paper #]TL2018-8
Use of "like"as a filler in Japanese conversation by Englsih speakers

Kazuko Tanabe(JWU),  

[Paper #]TL2018-5
Narrative Techniques for Connecting and Cutting Events in a Story

Jumpei Ono(igital Arts Sendai),  Takuya Ito(Iwate Prefectural Univ.),  Takashi Ogata(Iwate Prefectural Univ.),  

[Paper #]TL2018-1
A Framework of Narrative Generation and the Narrative Techniques Seen in Kabuki

Takashi Ogata(Iwate Prefectural Univ.),  

[Paper #]TL2018-2
Effect of specifying the number of word occurrence in identification of specific text description

Yuki Okumura(OECU),  Atsushi Moriyasu(OECU),  Sachio Hirokawa(Kyusyu Univ.),  Kazuhiro Takeuchi(OECU),  

[Paper #]TL2018-10