Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Smart Info-Media Systems(Date:2016/09/01)

[Tutorial Lecture] Implementation to FPGA of Image processing filter

Tomoaki Kimura(Kanagawa Institute of Tech.),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-20
Prototype of adjustable bed with speech interface

Noboru Hayasaka(OECU),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-21
Random-Valued Impulse Noises Removal by Weighted Non-local Median Filter

Jyohei Matsuoka(Yamaguchi Univ.),  Takanori Koga(NIT, Tokuyama College),  Noriaki Suetake(Yamaguchi Univ.),  Eiji Uchino(Yamaguchi Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-18
A Study on Data-Embedding Position and Gain Control in Data Embedding to Printed Image

Masashi Shiiba(Kansai Univ.),  Kenta Hayashida(Kansai Univ.),  Mitsuji Muneyasu(Kansai Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-17
[Invited Talk] Tackling Mixed Reality Issues Related to Camera Pose Estimation

Sei Ikeda(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-23
A study on IIR adaptive notch filter with ALE and SSCF algorithm

Makoto Tsuchiya(Tottori Univ.),  Naoto Sasaoka(Tottori Univ.),  Kazuki Shiogai(NIT,Niihama College),  Yoshio Ito(Tottori Univ.),  Masaki Kobayashi(Chubu Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-22
The measurement and analysis of saccade-related cortical potential using simple electroencephalograph

Akitoshi Itai(Chubu Univ.),  Motoki Hayakawa(Chubu Univ.),  Arao Funase(Nagoya Institute of Technology),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-19
Visual Feedback in Audio Communication under Unstable Network Situations

Marcos Teruaki Hosoya(USP),  Yasuhiro Mochida(NTT),  Daisuke Shirai(NTT),  Tatsuya Fujii(NTT),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-25
Saturation and Lightness Enhancement Method Considering Perceived Lightness for Food Images

Chiaki Ueda(Yamaguchi Univ.),  Tadahiro Azetsu(Yamaguchi Prefectural Univ.),  Noriaki Suetake(Yamaguchi Univ.),  Eiji Uchino(Yamaguchi Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-24
Proposal of Simultaneous Wireless Transfer of Information and Power Using Parallel Lines

Yuya Kaneko(NAIST),  Duong Quang Thang(NAIST),  Takeshi Higashino(NAIST),  Minoru Okada(NAIST),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-26
Handover Reduction using Optical Matrix Switch for Centralized Radio Access Network

Withawat Tangtrongpairoj(NAIST),  Takeshi Higashino(NAIST),  Minoru Okada(NAIST),  

[Paper #]SIS2016-27