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Statistical Characteristics of E-field Distribution in a Reverberation Chamber

Katsushige HARIMA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-67,MW2003-164
Characteristic Measurement of Transfer Impedance of Pellegrini Target in Contact Discharge with ESD-Gun

Tsuyoshi GOTOH,  Osamu FUJIWARA,  Shinobu ISHIGAMI,  Yukio YAMANAKA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-68,MW2003-165
Electromagnetic field strength radiated from over-head telecommunication cables due to a 24Mbps-ADSL service. : Effects of multi-pair signal injection and signal loss of under ground cable

Yoshiharu AKIYAMA,  Yoshiharu Hiroshima,  Hiroshi YAMANE,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-69,MW2003-166
Effect of Microwave Radiation on the permeability of liposome (1)

Fumie OGAWA,  Toshihisa SUZUKI,  Masaharu TAKAHASHI,  Masao TAKI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-70,MW2003-167
A method of changing matching frequency characteristics by EM-wave absOrber with Square holes and conductive patterns

Kazuo SHIMODAIRA,  Mitsuhiro AMANO,  Youji KOTSUKA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-71,MW2003-168
A Wave Absorber for DSRC Using Resistive Film and Magnetic Material

Kohichi SUEDA,  Shinichi TOYOSAWA,  Osamu HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-72,MW2003-169
High P_<1dB> and Low Quiescent Current SiGe HBT Power Amplifier MMIC Using Self Base Bias Control Circuit for 5.8GHz ETC Terminals

Shintaro Shinjo,  Takayuki Sugano,  Hiroomi Ueda,  Kazutomi Mori,  Masahiko Nakanishi,  Masahiro Inoue,  Noriharu Suematsu,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-73,MW2003-170
Temperature-frequency Stabilization technique for Dielectric Resonator Oscillator by Gate-bias control

Masaomi TSURU,  Kenji KAWAKAMI,  Kenichi TAJIMA,  Tsuyoshi MIZUGUCHI,  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-74,MW2003-171
A 40 GHz-band Phase Locked Harmonic Oscillator for optical Communication system

Kenji KAWAKAMI,  Satoshi HAMANO,  Yoshihiro TSUBOTA,  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-75,MW2003-172
Frequency Mixing of Two Microwave Frequencies Carried in an Optical Fiber

Masami Akaike,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-76,MW2003-173
Characteristics of a Low Impedance Line Structure Component mounted in a printed circuit board.

Koichiro MASUDA,  Manabu KUSUMOTO,  Yoshiaki WAKABAYASHI,  Hirokazu TOHYA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-77,MW2003-174


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