Communication-Optical Communication Systems(Date:2001/11/15)



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Simultaneous and broadband measurement of the material dispersion using Cross-Correlation Frequency Resolved Optical Gating

Sayako Itoh,  Kazuhiko Misawa,  Roy Lang,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-84,OPE2001-88,LQE2001-82
Optical recording inside a nail using a femtosecond laser

Yoshio HAYASAKI,  Akihito TAKITA,  Mitsuru Watanabe,  Hirotsugu Yamamoto,  Shigeki MATSUO,  Hiroaki Misawa,  Nobuo NISHIDA,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-85,OPE2001-89,LQE2001-83
Design and Estimation of LiNbO_3 Optical Modulator with an Asymmetric Resonant Structure

Tetsuya KAWANISHI,  Satoshi OIKAWA,  Kaoru HIGUMA,  Yoshiro MATSUO,  Masayuki IZUTSU,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-86,OPE2001-90,LQE2001-84
Propagation Properties of Hybrid Waves along Circularly Bent Slab Waveguides

Kazuo ONO,  Mayumi MATSUNAGA,  Ryuji KAWAMURA,  Yoko KONISHI,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-87,OPE2001-91,LQE2001-85
Optical isolator with magnetic garnet / semiconductor magneto-optic waveguide employing nonreciprocal radiation mode conversion

Hideki YOKOI,  Tetsuya MIZUMOTO,  Kazumasa SAKURAI,  Takashi SAKAI,  Takafumi OHTSUKA,  Yoshiaki NAKANO,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-88,OPE2001-92,LQE2001-86
Formulation for Electromagnetic Scattering and Guidance by Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals

Kiyotoshi YASUMOTO,  Hiroshi TOYAMA,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-89,OPE2001-93,LQE2001-87
Transmission performance improvement by all-optical limiters in DPSK optical communication systems

Shiro Ryu,  Mikio Yagi,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-90,OPE2001-94,LQE2001-88
PLL-based clock recovery with a SLALOM as an optical phase comparator

T. Yamamoto,  C. Schmidt,  C. Schubert,  U. Feiste,  E. Dietrich,  L.K. Oxenlowe,  J. Berger,  R. Ludwig,  H.G. Weber,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-91,OPE2001-95,LQE2001-89
Impact of transmission fiber loss variations and multipath interference on distributed Raman amplification

Masayuki INOUE,  Motoki KAKUI,  Masayuki SHIGEMATSU,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-92,OPE2001-96,LQE2001-90
Transmission Characteristics of Discrete Fiber Raman Amplifiers Employing Highly Nonlinear Fibers

T. Tsuzaki,  T. Miyamoto,  T. Okuno,  M. Kakui,  M. Hirano,  M. Onishi,  M. Shigematsu,  M. Nishimura,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-93,OPE2001-97,LQE2001-91
Study on long-distance 40 Gbit/s transmission using Raman amplification

Itsuro MORITA,  Keiji TANAKA,  Noboru EDAGAWA,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-94,OPE2001-98,LQE2001-92
40-Gbit/s x 32 ch Automatic Dispersion Compensation with VIPA Variable Dispersion Compensators

T. Takahara,  H. Ooi,  Y. Akiyama,  G. Ishikawa,  S. Wakana,  Y. Kawahata,  H. Isono,  N. Mitamura,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-95,OPE2001-99,LQE2001-93
A Study on optimal fiber parameter for 40-Gbit/s, 32-channel WDM transmission systems

Mikio YAGI,  Shiro RYU,  Yoshihiro HAYATA,  Tetsuya YUGE,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-96,OPE2001-100,LQE2001-94
Simultaneous Optical Demultiplexing from 40Gbit/s into 2 channels of 20Gbit/s by Polarization Discriminated All-optical Switch

Munefumi Tsurusawa,  Ryo Inohara,  Kohsuke Nishimura,  Masashi Usami,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-97,OPE2001-101,LQE2001-95
Measurement of Carrier Escape Time in 40 Gbit/s Optical Modulator

Hideo ARIMOTO,  Masataka SHIRAI,  Shinji TSUJI,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-98,OPE2001-102,LQE2001-96
Study on 160Gbit/s transmission by OTDM module using EA modulators

Masatoshi KAGAWA,  Hitoshi MURAI,  Hitomi T. YAMADA,  Shigeru TAKASAKI,  Kozo FUJII,  

[Paper #]OCS2001-99,OPE2001-103,LQE2001-97


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