
[主催]人工知能応用関係講演会「Artificial Intelligence between Vision and Disruption」


テクニカルディレクタとしてドイツ人工知能研究所を率いるAndreas Dengel教授に、最新の人工知能の応用状況についてご講演いただける運びとなりました。


■日 時:2022年11月2日 (水) 15:00~ 16:00
■場 所:九州大学伊都キャンパス ウエスト2号館 3F 第5+6講義室 ※キャンパスMAP(PDF) の32番の建物

講 師

Prof. Andreas Dengel 教授 (ドイツ人工知能研究所(DFKI),Technical Director)

演 題

Artificial Intelligence between Vision and Disruption


Based on the availability of data and corresponding computational capacity, more and more cognitive tasks can be transferred to computers that learn autonomously to improve our understanding,increase our problem-solving capacity, or simply help us to remember.
This way, Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are finding more and more niches where they can complement our individual skills and enhance our capabilities, not only physically but also cognitively. Starting with a short  introduction to the AI, this talk will provide insights into important application areas of Machine (Deep) Learning and Cognitive Computing revealing the great potential of State-of-the-Art AI.
In particular, exemplary use cases from different areas will be presented, namely from corporate memories, autonomous driving,remote sensing as well as medical imaging. Finally, the talk describes DFKI’s successful model for technology transfer.


■主 催:(一社)電子情報通信学会九州支部

■問合せ先:九州大学システム情報科学研究院  内田誠一 (uchida@ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
