IEICE Publications


The Special Section on ISAP2020 will be planned in the IEICE Transactions on Communications.

The IEICE Transactions on Communications /EB/index.html

The IEICE Transactions on Communications announces that it will publish a special section entitled "Special Section on Recent Progress in Antennas and Propagation in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISAP2020" in June 2022. The objective of this special section is to discuss the antenna and propagation technologies related to progressing technologies for 5G mobile communication systems, MIMO, PAN/BAN, and wireless power transmission and so on. The 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2020) will be held in Osaka, Japan during January 25-28, 2021, which aims at providing an international forum for exchanging information on such progress of research and development in antennas, propagation, electromagnetic wave theory, and the related fields. By taking this opportunity the special section has been planned to publish papers on advanced technologies in antennas, propagation and the related fields.
The special section seeks for submission particularly from, but not limited to, the authors of ISAP2020.

Submit a manuscript and electronic source files (LaTeX/Word files, figures, authors’ photos and biography) via the IEICE Web site by June 15th, 2021 (JST). Authors should choose the Recent Progress in Antennas and Propagation in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISAP2020 as a "Journal/Section" on the online screen. Do not choose [Regular-EB].

Contact Person: Kunio Sakakibara
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Tel: +81-52-735-5416

ComEX (The IEICE Communications Express)

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The IEICE Communications Express (ComEX) announces that it will publish a special section entitled "Special Cluster on Antennas and Propagation Technologies in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISAP2020" in September 2021. The objective of this special section is to report the advanced technologies on the antenna and propagation related to progressing technologies for next-generation mobile communication systems, MIMO, PAN/BAN, and wireless power transmission and so on. The 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2020) will be held in Osaka, Japan during January 25-28, 2021, which aim at providing an international forum for exchanging information on such progress of research and development in antennas, propagation, electromagnetic wave theory, and the related fields. By aking this opportunity, the special section has been planned to publish letters in cluster fashion, which aims to raise the interest of researchers in the field of antennas, propagation, and the related topics.

-Submission Deadline

Two submission periods are prepared for this special cluster, and the eadlines are set as: First deadline: March 5th, 2021 (JST) (The submission site will open on February 1st, 2021.) Second deadline: April 15th, 2021 (JST) (The submission site will open on March 26th, 2021.)

Contact Person: Kentaro Saito, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Phone: +81-30-5734-2551 Email: