Virtual Social Program

ISAP2020 Virtual Social Program

Technical Tour MU Radar (Kyoto Univ.) Tour

  • The “MU radar (Kyoto Unive.)” tour has been cancelled by COVID19.
  • The middle and upper atmosphere radar “MU radar” is IEEE Milestone (May 13, 2015).
  • The MU radar can monitor the atmosphere at the height of 1-25km in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, 60-100km in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, and 100-500km in the ionosphere.
  • Since 1984, the MU radar has been widely used by both domestic and international researchers.
  • The MU radar is located at Shigaraki Japan.
  • Shigaraki, as one of Japan’s Six Ancient Kilns, is one of the oldest pottery producing places in Japan.

“The official tour by Kyoto univ. is held every year, the registration will be open every October. Would you like to join it and enjoy both MU radar and Shigaraki art.”

Technical Tour Supercomputer “FUGAKU” Tour

City Tour Osaka Castle

  • The "Osaka Castle" tour has been cancelled by COVID19.
  • In 1583, Hideyoshi Hashiba (Toyotomi) took control of political affairs and began construction of a castle, it is "Osaka Castle". He built a castle befitting the permanent residence of the ruler of Japan.
  • You can go around the inner moat of "Osaka Castle" in approximately 20 minutes by the golden "Osaka Castle's Pleasure Boat: Gozabune Boat".

City Tour Kuidaore, Doutonbori

  • “Dotonbori” which is symbolized by Shochikuza, crabs, and Glico's signboards is a typical downtown area of Minami, Osaka. Za means theater. Shochikuza means Shochiku Theater.
  • The name of Dotonbori is taken from the name of “Doton Yasui”. He excavated the river with his private fortune in 1612.

World Heritage Tour Horyu-ji & Todai-ji

  • The “Horyu-ji & Todai-ji” tour has been cancelled by COVID19.
  • Horyu-ji, which was was founded by Prince Shōtoku in 607, is a budhist temple in Ikaruga, Nara Prefecture. The Western Precinct (Saiin Garan), which is centered around the Main Hall (Kondo) and the Five-Story Pagoda (Goju-no-To), is widely recognized as the world's oldest wooden buildings.
  • Todai-ji, which was founded by Emperor Shomu in the 8th century, is a budhist temple in Nara, Nara Prefecture. It is famous for the Great Buddha, known in Japanese as Daibutsu.

World Heritage Tour Himeji Castle, Nintoku-Ten-no-Ryo

Culture Tour Suntory Yamazaki Distillery Tour

  • The “Suntory Yamazaki Distillery” tour has been cancelled by COVID19.
  • The Suntory Yamazaki Distillery produces Suntory’s flagship line of Yamazaki single malt whiskies.
  • There are three primary variants of Yamazaki whisky: Yamazaki Single Malt 12-, 18- and 25-Year-Old whisky.
  • The Yamazaki Whisky Museum introduces the Suntory company’s history and products.

Culture Tour Nada (Japanese SAKE Factories)

  • The "Kobe Shushinkan Brewery" is located in the Nada region in Hyogo Prefecture of Japan.
  • The brand name of the famous sake made at Kobe Shushinkan is "Fukujyu".
  • "Fukujyu" was served at banquet following the Novel Prize Award Ceremony in Sweden.

Culture Trials

The “Culture Trial” has been cancelled by COVID19.

Sushi Cooking
Sushi is one of the representative cuisines of Japan.
Japanese Sushi cooking experience. You can enjoy your self-made sushi for your lunch or dinner.
Food Samples
Food sample is Japan unique technology and culture.
Japanese plastic food sample art experience. (in Japanese)
Origami is one of the Japan’s traditional paper craft arts.
Experience creating various creatures and objects through the traditional Japanese craft of origami.
Japanese Clothes
Try on a genuine kimono, and enjoy traversing the streets of Osaka in your favorite one. All garments, as well as assistance in getting dressed, are included.
Ninja Experience
Change into genuine ninja gar and transform into a ninja. Learn and experience the ninja way to hold shuriken throwing stars and katana.
Japanese Calligraphy Experience
Experience Japanese calligraphy, a traditional art filled with history.