
International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications


Session Number:S11



A Fuel Cost-less Bus Driver Allocation through Bus IoT Data Analysis

Riku Miura,  Kimihiro Mizutani,  


Publication Date:2022/11/29

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Bus companies are currently facing many management issues, such as a decrease in the number of passengers and dealing with the rising bus fuel cost. In particular, bus fuel cost is the second largest expenditure in the bus business and has been increasing recently, therefore, the studies on reducing bus fuel cost have been attracting attention. In this paper, we try to analyze a bus operator's driving characterization through bus IoT data and propose a fuel cost-less driver allocation scheme based on the analysis. It is so difficult to directly investigate the fuel cost of each driver, therefore, we use values of running resistance calculation whose characteristics have a deep relation to the fuel cost in a previous study . With values of the running resistance of each driver, we aim to allocate a driver to a suitable route for improving fuel cost on a bus company.