
International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications


Session Number:P2



A Study of Received Antenna Branch Selection Diversity Effect for Remote Hear Rate Measurement Based on mm-Wave SIMO Radar

Kosuke Otsu,  Yaokun Hu,  Takeshi Toda,  


Publication Date:2023/11/29

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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This paper reports an effect of received antenna-branch selection diversity for 1Tx-4Rx millimeter-wave FMCW radar, by two selection methods : selecting branch once with best mean SNR of total data, and selecting branch each sliding observation time window with best SNR of each time window. Frequency bandwidth was 3.598 GHz (operating frequency was from 77 to 80.598 GHz). A radar module was placed facing a seated subject at about 1 m of distance. For the data analysis, the observation window length was 20 seconds, slide 1 second for the entire streaming data (60 seconds), and then forty heartbeat frequencies and SNRs were estimated. Selection diversity only improved some of the RMSE (comparing to ECG data) for all subjects. In the future, we will improve the heartbeat frequency estimation method with ICEEMDAN and the SNR criterion used for branch selection and increase the number of subjects for more reliable evaluation.