
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:3E2



GPS and Galileo Ground Segment Antenna for Professional Applications

L.J. Foged,  A. Giacomini,  M. Le Goff,  L. Duchesne,  


Publication Date:2009/10/21

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Europe has started the development of the Galileo positioning system in order to address the increasing market for positioning applications. Beside the core system including the space segment, satellite constellation and ground segments, user terminals taking full advantage of the Galileo system must be commercially available in time for the Galileo exploitation phase to ease and catalyse the market penetration of the Galileo services. The GARDA project financed by the Galileo Joint undertaking, in the context of the European Commission 6th Framework Programme, has been formed to investigate the development of the user terminals. In the frame of this activity a receiver targeting professional applications based on multi frequency use has been developed. This paper is divided in four main sections. The first section covers the development strategy and current status of the antenna system. The second section discusses the general specifications parameters of the antenna system for professional applications. The third section describes the selected antenna architecture and the development and trade-off activity on the radiating element, LNA, filters and diplexers. The fourth part describes the antenna measured performance. The next planned activities will also be shortly described with respect to manufacturing of the pre-industrial prototype.