
International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications


Session Number:P2



Recommendations for hospital construction to improve the wireless communication infrastructure environment

Eisuke Hanada ,  


Publication Date:2021/12/1

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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According to a survey by the Japanese government, about 90% of hospitals in Japan have a wireless LAN and about 80% of hospitals have a wireless medical telemetry system. Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the use of other types of wireless communication is also expanding. However, about half of the hospitals have experienced communication failures and other disruptions. The main cause is a lack of signal in certain areas. For wireless LANs, the most common response to a survey was "No connection or difficulty connecting to the wireless LAN”. The transfer rate of wireless LANs varies according to the strength of the signal received by the terminal, one of the causes of difficulty in connecting is that a weak (attenuated) signal is reaching the terminal. There are many problems in signal propagation in hospitals. We think that most of them are due to where the antennas are positioned when the radio characteristics of the hospital building components are not carefully taken into consideration in the design phase. In this presentation, we will discuss the construction procedures that should be considered for setting up a wireless communication infrastructure in a large hospital and consider solutions to problems in the operation of information and communication facilities.