
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:1A1



Design of a Unified Indoor Repeater Antenna with High Isolation Characteristic

Jaegeun Ha,  Youngki Lee,  Jaehoon Choi,  


Publication Date:2009/10/21

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Repeater antennas are often used to increase the signal strength in weak signal area or to expand the coverage in shadow region instead of installing an additional base station. However, positive feedback between donor and server antennas of a repeater could make a signal distortion. Therefore, the isolation between donor and server antennas is a critical factor in designing a repeater. Typically, the isolation should be higher than 65dB. In order to improve the isolation, increasing the physical separation between two antennas, using antennas with higher attenuation at the required direction and introducing additional shielding factor in the feedback path are commonly used[1]-[3]. In this paper, a unified indoor repeater antenna with high isolation performance is proposed. The proposed repeater antenna uses orthogonal allocation and adopts inverted-L shaped aluminium walls to obtain high isolation between donor and server antennas over the WCDMA (1.92GHz ~ 2.17GHz) band.