
URSI Commission B 2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory EMTS 2013


Session Number:23PM2C



Fast Direct Solver Based on the Generalized Equivalence Integral Equation

Yaniv Brick,  Vitaliy Lomakin,  Amir Boag,  


Publication Date:2013/5/20

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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A novel fast direct solver using the recently proposed generalized equivalence integral equation (GEIE) is presented. By eliminating the line-of-sight between distant subdomains of convex geometries, the GEIE essentially reduces the problems' dimensionality, thus producing highly compressible impedance matrices. The compression is facilitated using a multilevel non-uniform grid (NG) scheme, tailored to the GEIE. The high compressibility and fast compression sum up to a fast direct solver. The solver is applied to the problem of scattering from an essentially circular cylinder, thus facilitating the construction of a modified Green's function that is needed in the GEIE formulation. For the 2-dimensional (2D) case, compression to O(1) unknowns is achieved.