
URSI Commission B 2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory EMTS 2013


Session Number:21PM2C



Off-axis Field Correlations in Turbulence

Yahya Baykal,  


Publication Date:2013/5/20

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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The field correlations in atmospheric turbulence are evaluated for off-axis optical incidence. Within the practical range of the source and the medium parameters, increase in the diagonal length at the receiver plane is found to decrease the off-axis field correlations in turbulence. At a fixed diagonal length at the receiver plane, off-axis beams that have smaller displacement parameters and larger source sizes possess larger field correlations. When the field correlations of the off-axis beams in atmospheric turbulence are compared to their no turbulence counterparts, it is observed that the behaviour of the field correlation variations do not change, however the field correlations in turbulence diminish at smaller diagonal lengths.