
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:A2L-C



Real-time Visual Tracking for Cricket - Micro Robot Interaction Experiment

Kuniaki Kawabata,  Hitoshi Aonuma,  Koh Hosoda,  Jianru Xue,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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This paper describes about the trials of on-line trajectory tacking and recording for a cricket and a micro mobile robot based on particle filter from video sequence. Cricket show adaptive behavior after individual interactions and we attempt to construct a system for active interaction experiment for gathering the data related to the effect of interactions. In this manuscript, on-line tracking trials by using an applied particle filter during some interaction experiments with a micro mobile robot are done. Experimental results are shown and also discussed.


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