
2019 Joint International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Sapporo


Session Number:TuePM1B



Characterization of Insertion Loss of Striplines on Various Substrate Materials As a Function of Temperature (I)

Jimmy Hsu,  Chong-Jin Ong,  Xiaoning Ye,  


Publication Date:2016/10/5

Online ISSN:2188-5079


PDF download (459KB)

When designing circuit boards or packages for automotive or military applications, we are concerned with the insertion loss of the transmission lines on various substrate materials over a wide range of temperature. For signal integrity engineers, this affects the maximum length of the transmission line allowed. It is relatively straightforward to simulate the insertion loss at room temperatures. It is not so easy to figure out the insertion loss at high temperatures without significant investment of time and money. In this paper, the metrology of the temperature impact on the transmission line loss was proposed and the relative increase in measured insertion loss of striplines on various substrate materials were shown due to increase in temperature. We broadly categorized the materials as standard loss, mid loss, low loss and ultra low-loss. It is hoped that this data will be useful for engineers to estimate the insertion losses of their transmission lines at high temperatures.