
URSI Commission B 2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory EMTS 2013


Session Number:21PM2F



Efficient Integral Equation Based Solvers for Modelling Antennas Mounted on Electrically Large and Complex Platform

Chao-Fu Wang,  Zi-Liang Liu,  Shaoxin Peng,  


Publication Date:2013/5/20

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Efficient modelling of the performance of antennas mounted on electrically large and complex platform is essential for practical antenna design with considering environment effect and yet a challenging area in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) assessment. This paper presents our team efforts to tackle this problem through three ways: (1) fast full-wave simulation code development with technical core of surface-wire integral equation (SWIE) and precorrected-FFT (P-FFT) algorithm; (2) efficient hybrid low and high frequency modelling capability with technical core of a newly developed efficient iterative method of moments (MoM) – physical optics (PO) hybrid method; (3) hardware accelerated simulation capability with technical core of parallel P-FFT implementation for solving SWIE on GPU. Successful simulation of many standard benchmarks and realistic targets extensively validates the proposed three techniques.