
International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia


Session Number:RS2



Guaranteeing Variable-Filter’s Stability Using Novel Coefficient-Transformation Functions

Tian-Bo Deng,  


Publication Date:2023/8/31

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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The salient feature of a variable digital filter (VDF) is its flexibility to tune the frequency response in a timely manner. Such a tuning occurs when a new response is required in the process of online filtering operations. By changing the parameters (coefficients) of a VDF, one can yield a desired frequency response. However, a recursive VDF risks the stability when its parameters are suddenly altered. To resolve this stability issue, an effective scheme is to carry out coefficient transformations on the parameters contained in the VDF transfer function’s denominator. More specifically, one can make the stability always satisfied via transforming the denominator parameters of VDF’s transfer function into other parameters and thus get a stable VDF. This paper develops four (4) functions that are useful in performing such coefficient transformations. The utilization of those functions ensures that the resultant VDFs are absolutely stable.