
the 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:C3L-D



Intrinsic fluctuation in the cortical network and its application for neural computation

Jun-nosuke Teramae,  


Publication Date:2014/9/14

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Cortical neurons continuously show spontaneous irregular activity. While cortical circuit itself generates the spontaneous activity, underlying mechanisms by which a network of cortical neurons sustains the activity has remained elusive for a long time. Computational function of the activity has also remained unclear. Here, we introduce a recently proposed model of a network of neurons that can robustly reproduce cortical spontaneous activity. The model consists of conductancebased leaky integrate-and-fire neurons and based only on biologically plausible assumptions. Utilizing the model, we demonstrate nonlinear properties of the reproduced spontaneous activity. We also report result of stability analysis of the state and discuss possible relationship between the spontaneous activity and brain waves.