
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications


Session Number:B4L-D



A Modified Radiation Model for Human Mobility: Effects of Distinct Job-Seeker Expectation and Job-Offer Benefit Distributions

Yunhan Du ,   Naoya Fujiwara,  


Publication Date:12/12/2022

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Predicting human mobility is fundamental to human societies, and various models have been introduced. One of the prevailing frameworks, the radiation model, predicts the mobility flow in a closed formula of population distribution. However, the same distributions of job-seeker expectations and job-offer benefits are assumed in the radiation model, which does not necessarily hold in general situations. In this research, we propose a modified radiation model based on the theoretical derivation with distinct job-seeker expectations and job-offer benefits distributions. Furthermore, we compare the prediction results with the radiation model using a flow dataset between counties in the United States.