
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications


Session Number:A2L-E



Study of Nonlinear Phenomena in Current-Mode Controlled DC-DC Converter with TEM via a Closed-Form Mapping Without Approximation

Daiki Hozumi ,   Shota Uchino ,   Takuji Kousaka ,   Hiroyuki Asahara,  


Publication Date:12/12/2022

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In this study, we analyze the bifurcation phenomena that occur in a power conversion circuit with a thermoelectric module (TEM) connected as a power source and investigate its dynamic behavior. First, we show a simple equivalent circuit model. Next, we derive the Poincar? map, which discretize the inductor current and capacitor voltage at each clock cycle. Then, we calculate the one-parameter bifurcation diagram in the case of TEM based on the simulation results of the Poincar? map. Finally, we compute the one-parameter bifurcation diagram and clarify the qualitative properties of a power conversion circuit with TEM.