
the 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:C1L-E



Frequency dependence of common-signal-induced synchronization in semiconductor lasers with constant-amplitude and random-phase light

Izumi Kakesu,  Nobumitsu Suzuki,  Atsushi Uchida,  Kazuyuki Yoshimura,  Kenichi Arai,  Peter Davis,  


Publication Date:2014/9/14

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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We experimentally observe common-signalinduced synchronization between two single-mode semiconductor lasers with constant-amplitude and randomphase modulation. We investigate the frequency dependence of synchronization on the parameter values over wide parameter ranges. We use low-pass filters with different cut-off frequencies to change the bandwidth of random-phase-modulation of the drive signal. We found that high cross correlation (~0.94) between the two response lasers can be observed when the cut-off frequency is equal to or higher than 5 GHz. On the other hand, the correlation between the two response lasers is relatively low (~0.75) when the cut-off frequency is lower than 5 GHz.