
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications


Session Number:C3



Force Control Strategy for Massage Chair Based on Masseur's Knowhow Data Base

Tatsuya Teramae,  Daisuke Kushida,  Fumiaki Takemori,  Akira Kitamura,  


Publication Date:2008/7/7

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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A present massage chair realizes the massage motion and force designed by a professional masseur. Therefore, it is not possible to massage the user by the appropriate force for the user. On the other hand, proffesional masseur can realize the appropriate massage force to the patients in different condition. Then, this paper proposes the method of applying masseur's procedure to the massage chair. And, the proposed method is composed by estimation of user's physical condition, decision of massage force by the physical condition, and realozation of the massage force by force control. The realizability of the proposed method is verified by the experimental work using the massage chair.