
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:B1L-E



Lyapunov Bundle of Saddle Quasi-Periodic Solution

Kyohei Kamiyama,  Motomasa Komuro,  Kazuyuki Aihara,  


Publication Date:2017/12/4

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Dynamical systems, such as coupled oscillators, which produce quasi-periodic solutions are ubiquitous. There exists many complex bifurcations. Bifurcation analysis of quasi-periodic solution attracts many researchers in recent years. Recently, the Newton's method for saddle quasi-periodic solution was developed. This method uses frequency characteristics of the solution and can be applicable to higher-dimensional saddle quasi-periodic solutions. By using this method, we are succeeded in calculate Lyapunov bundle of the saddle quasi-periodic solution in a discrete-time dynamical system. The Lyapunov bundle was deveploped by us for analyzing quasi-periodic bifurcations. It is a set of Lyapunov vectors on a solution and can classify local bifurcation type from its topology. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the Lyapunov bundle of saddle quasi-periodic solutions.