
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications


Session Number:P2



A David-Star Magic Square Algorithm for Efficient LED Control

Kyung-Min Lee,  Su-Jeoung Yun,  Chi-Ho Lin ,  


Publication Date:2016/7/10

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In this paper, we propose a David-Star Magic Square Algorithm for Efiicient LED Control. Existing Lighting system has reduced power consumption and Heat. And it increased the life of the LED module. However light fixtures, there is a limit in accordance with the form and balance of illuminance distribution. Proposed a David-Star Magic square algorithm for efficient LED control is efficience of power consumption, Heat, module life and illuminance distribytion. This paper, the proposed algoritme is arranged twelve sub-module of David-Star frame in 16x16 LED DotMatrix. And the proposed method create a pattern through a specific time interval. Comparison of the conventional lighting system and method using a magic square increased the efficiency of the control