
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:4B3



Multi-band Monopole Antenna Design Using Folded and Parasitic Strips for Laptop Applications

Chichang Hung,  


Publication Date:2012/10/29

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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This paper presents a bandwidth-enhancing technique for the design of octa-band monopole antenna. By using a simple parasite metal strip, the bandwidth of a typical monopole is considerably broadened. In the paper, the proposed penta-band monopole fabricated in the FR-4 substrate for DCS1800 / PCS1900 / UMTS / LTE2300 / LTE2500 is first designed. Then a parasitic metal strip is placed along the monopole, which enhanced the lower band, and a octa-band (LTE700 / GSM850 / GSM 900 / DCS1800 / PCS1900 / UMTS / LTE2300 / LTE2500) antenna is obtained. The position of the parasitic strip is carefully studied and chosen, so the performance of the monopole in DCS1800, PCS1900, UMTS, LTE2300 and LTE2500 bands is not affected by the strip. The measured bandwidths of the proposed antenna are 262 MHz (698-960 MHz, |S11| < -6 dB) in the lower band, and 980 MHz (1710-2690 MHz, |S11| < -6 dB) in the upper band.